دنبال کردن
Tina Treude
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Microbial reefs in the Black Sea fueled by anaerobic oxidation of methane
W Michaelis, R Seifert, K Nauhaus, T Treude, V Thiel, M Blumenberg, ...
Science 297 (5583), 1013-1015, 2002
Anaerobic oxidation of methane above gas hydrates at Hydrate Ridge, NE Pacific Ocean
T Treude, A Boetius, K Knittel, K Wallmann, BB Jørgensen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 264, 1-14, 2003
Rising Arctic Ocean temperatures cause gas hydrate destabilization and ocean acidification
A Biastoch, T Treude, LH Rüpke, U Riebesell, C Roth, EB Burwicz, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (8), 2011
Environmental regulation of the anaerobic oxidation of methane: a comparison of ANME‐I and ANME‐II communities
K Nauhaus, T Treude, A Boetius, M Krüger
Environmental microbiology 7 (1), 98-106, 2005
Whale-fall ecosystems: recent insights into ecology, paleoecology and evolution
CR Smith, AG Glover, T Treude, ND Higgs, DJ Amon
Annual Review of Marine Science, 2015
Temporal constraints on hydrate-controlled methane seepage off Svalbard
C Berndt, T Feseker, T Treude, S Krastel, V Liebetrau, H Niemann, ...
Science 343 (6168), 284-287, 2014
Anaerobic microbial degradation of hydrocarbons: from enzymatic reactions to the environment
R Rabus, M Boll, J Heider, RU Meckenstock, W Buckel, O Einsle, ...
Journal of molecular microbiology and biotechnology 26 (1-3), 5-28, 2016
Anaerobic oxidation of methane and sulfate reduction along the Chilean continental margin
T Treude, J Niggemann, J Kallmeyer, P Wintersteller, CJ Schubert, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (11), 2767-2779, 2005
Environmental control on anaerobic oxidation of methane in the gassy sediments of Eckernförde Bay (German Baltic)
T Treude, M Krüger, A Boetius, BB Jørgensen
Limnology and oceanography 50 (6), 1771-1786, 2005
Microbial nucleation of Mg-rich dolomite in exopolymeric substances under anoxic modern seawater salinity: New insight into an old enigma
S Krause, V Liebetrau, S Gorb, M Sánchez-Román, JA McKenzie, ...
Geology 40 (7), 587-590, 2012
Impact of natural oil and higher hydrocarbons on microbial diversity, distribution, and activity in Gulf of Mexico cold-seep sediments
BN Orcutt, SB Joye, S Kleindienst, K Knittel, A Ramette, A Reitz, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57 (21-23), 2008-2021, 2010
Microbial colonization and degradation of polyethylene and biodegradable plastic bags in temperate fine-grained organic-rich marine sediments
A Nauendorf, S Krause, NK Bigalke, EV Gorb, SN Gorb, M Haeckel, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 103 (1-2), 168-178, 2016
Consumption of Methane and CO2 by Methanotrophic Microbial Mats from Gas Seeps of the Anoxic Black Sea
T Treude, V Orphan, K Knittel, A Gieseke, CH House, A Boetius
Applied and environmental microbiology 73 (7), 2271-2283, 2007
Microbial community in a sediment-hosted CO2 lake of the southern Okinawa Trough hydrothermal system
F Inagaki, MMM Kuypers, U Tsunogai, J Ishibashi, K Nakamura, T Treude, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (38), 14164-14169, 2006
Burrowing deeper into benthic nitrogen cycling: the impact of bioturbation on nitrogen fixation coupled to sulfate reduction
VJ Bertics, JA Sohm, T Treude, CET Chow, DG Capone, JA Fuhrman, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 409, 1-15, 2010
Effects of climate change on methane emissions from seafloor sediments in the Arctic Ocean: A review
RH James, P Bousquet, I Bussmann, M Haeckel, R Kipfer, I Leifer, ...
Limnology and oceanography 61 (S1), S283-S299, 2016
Ocean currents shape the microbiome of Arctic marine sediments
LJ Hamdan, RB Coffin, M Sikaroodi, J Greinert, T Treude, PM Gillevet
The ISME journal 7 (4), 685-696, 2013
Microbiological investigation of methane‐and hydrocarbon‐discharging mud volcanoes in the Carpathian Mountains, Romania
K Alain, T Holler, F Musat, M Elvert, T Treude, M Krüger
Environmental Microbiology 8 (4), 574-590, 2006
Biogeochemistry of a deep-sea whale fall: sulfate reduction, sulfide efflux and methanogenesis
T Treude, CR Smith, F Wenzhöfer, E Carney, AF Bernardino, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 382, 1-21, 2009
Spatial variations of methanotrophic consortia at cold methane seeps: implications from a high‐resolution molecular and isotopic approach
M Elvert, EC Hopmans, T Treude, A Boetius, E Suess
Geobiology 3 (3), 195-209, 2005
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مقاله‌ها 1–20