دنبال کردن
Andrea Moscariello
Andrea Moscariello
Professor of Reservoir Geology and Basin Analysis
ایمیل تأیید شده در unige.ch - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Sequence stratigraphy in lacustrine basins: a model for part of the Green River Formation (Eocene), southwest Uinta Basin, Utah, USA
D Keighley, S Flint, J Howell, A Moscariello
Journal of Sedimentary Research 73 (6), 987-1006, 2003
Tunnel valleys: current knowledge and future perspectives
P Van der Vegt, A Janszen, A Moscariello
Variable style of transition between Palaeogene fluvial fan and lacustrine systems, southern Pyrenean foreland, NE Spain
A Saez, P Anadon, MJ Herrero, A Moscariello
Sedimentology 54 (2), 367-390, 2007
Chemostratigraphy of the upper carboniferous schooner formation, southern North Sea
TJ Pearce, DS Wray, KT Ratcliffe, DK Wright, A Moscariello, JD Collinson, ...
Carboniferous hydrocarbon geology: The southern North Sea and surrounding …, 2005
Alluvial fans and fluvial fans at the margins of continental sedimentary basins: geomorphic and sedimentological distinction for geo-energy exploration and development
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 440, 215-243, 2017
The glaciogenic unconformity of the southern North Sea
J Moreau, M Huuse, A Janszen, P van der Vegt, PL Gibbard, ...
Microfacies of detrital event layers deposited in Quaternary varved lake sediments of the Piànico‐Sèllere Basin (northern Italy)
C Mangili, A Brauer, A Moscariello, R Naumann
Sedimentology 52 (5), 927-943, 2005
A long lacustrine record from the Pianico-Sellere basin (middle-late Pleistocene, Northern Italy)
A Moscariello, C Ravazzi, A Brauer, C Mangili, S Chiesa, S Rossi, ...
Quaternary International 73, 47-68, 2000
Alluvial fans in the Italian Alps: sedimentary facies and processes
A Moscariello, L Marchi, F Maraga, G Mortara
Flood and megaflood processes and deposits: Recent and ancient examples, 141-166, 2002
Glaciogenic reservoirs and hydrocarbon systems: an introduction
M Huuse, DP Le Heron, R Dixon, J Redfern, A Moscariello, J Craig
Déglaciation würmienne dans des conditions lacustres à la terminaison occidentale du bassin lémanique (Suisse occidentale et France)
A Moscariello, A Pugin, W Wildi, C Beck, E Chapron, M De Batist, ...
Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 91 (2), 185-201, 1998
Holocene Environmental Changes of Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) from Stable Isotopes (δ13C, δ18O) and Trace Element Records of Ostracod and Gastropod …
P Anadon, A Moscariello, J Rodríguez-Lázaro, ML Filippi
Journal of Paleolimnology 35, 593-616, 2006
Palaeoclimatic implications from micro-facies data of a 5900 varve time series from the Piànico interglacial sediment record, southern Alps
A Brauer, C Mangili, A Moscariello, A Witt
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 259 (2-3), 121-135, 2008
Organic geochemistry of oil and natural gas in the West Dikirnis and El‐Tamad fields, onshore Nile Delta, Egypt: Interpretation of potential source rocks
M Leila, A Moscariello
Journal of Petroleum Geology 40 (1), 37-58, 2017
Seismic stratigraphy and sedimentary facies analysis of the pre-and syn-Messinain salinity crisis sequences, onshore Nile Delta, Egypt: implications for reservoir quality …
M Leila, A Moscariello
Marine and Petroleum Geology 101, 303-321, 2019
Estimating debris-flow probability using fan stratigraphy, historic records, and drainage-basin morphology, Interstate 70 highway corridor, central Colorado, USA
JA Coe, JW Godt, M Parise, A Moscariello, D Rickenmann, C Chen
Debris-flow hazards mitigation: Mechanics, prediction, and assessment, 1085-1096, 2003
Depositional facies controls on the diagenesis and reservoir quality of the Messinian Qawasim and Abu Madi formations, onshore Nile Delta, Egypt
M Leila, A Moscariello, B Šegvić
Geological Journal 54 (3), 1797-1813, 2019
Geothermal state of the deep western Alpine Molasse basin, France-Switzerland
C Chelle-Michou, D Do Couto, A Moscariello, P Renard, E Rusillon
Geothermics 67, 48-65, 2017
Searching the Rhone Delta Channel in Lake Geneva since François Alphonse Forel.
A Moscariello, F Arlaud, Y Akhtman, U Lemmin
Archives des Sciences 65, 103-118, 2012
Effects of the substratum on the formation of glacial tunnel valleys: an example from the M iddle P leistocene of the southern N orth S ea B asin
A Janszen, M Spaak, A Moscariello
Boreas 41 (4), 629-643, 2012
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مقاله‌ها 1–20