Signatures of exciton condensation in a transition metal dichalcogenide A Kogar, MS Rak, S Vig, AA Husain, F Flicker, YI Joe, L Venema, ... Science 358 (6368), 1314-1317, 2017 | 499 | 2017 |
Emergence of charge density wave domain walls above the superconducting dome in 1T-TiSe2 YI Joe, XM Chen, P Ghaemi, KD Finkelstein, GA de La Peña, Y Gan, ... Nature Physics 10 (6), 421-425, 2014 | 324 | 2014 |
Orbital textures and charge density waves in transition metal dichalcogenides T Ritschel, J Trinckauf, K Koepernik, B Büchner, M Zimmermann, ... Nature physics 11 (4), 328-331, 2015 | 314 | 2015 |
The effective fine-structure constant of freestanding graphene measured in graphite JP Reed, B Uchoa, YI Joe, Y Gan, D Casa, E Fradkin, P Abbamonte Science 330 (6005), 805-808, 2010 | 160 | 2010 |
Developments in time-division multiplexing of x-ray transition-edge sensors WB Doriese, KM Morgan, DA Bennett, EV Denison, CP Fitzgerald, ... Journal of low temperature physics 184, 389-395, 2016 | 152 | 2016 |
A practical superconducting-microcalorimeter X-ray spectrometer for beamline and laboratory science WB Doriese, P Abbamonte, BK Alpert, DA Bennett, EV Denison, Y Fang, ... Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (5), 2017 | 147 | 2017 |
The practice of pulse processing JW Fowler, BK Alpert, WB Doriese, YI Joe, GC O’Neil, JN Ullom, ... Journal of Low Temperature Physics 184, 374-381, 2016 | 87 | 2016 |
Mapping the Magnetostructural Quantum Phases of M Kim, XM Chen, YI Joe, E Fradkin, P Abbamonte, SL Cooper Physical review letters 104 (13), 136402, 2010 | 78 | 2010 |
Ultrafast time-resolved x-ray scattering reveals diffusive charge order dynamics in La2–xBaxCuO4 M Mitrano, S Lee, AA Husain, L Delacretaz, M Zhu, G de la Peña Munoz, ... Science advances 5 (8), eaax3346, 2019 | 73 | 2019 |
High-resolution X-ray emission spectroscopy with transition-edge sensors: present performance and future potential J Uhlig, WB Doriese, JW Fowler, DS Swetz, C Jaye, DA Fischer, ... Synchrotron Radiation 22 (3), 766-775, 2015 | 73 | 2015 |
Soft X-ray spectroscopy with transition-edge sensors at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource beamline 10-1 SJ Lee, CJ Titus, R Alonso Mori, ML Baker, DA Bennett, HM Cho, ... Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (11), 2019 | 59 | 2019 |
Demonstration of Athena X-IFU compatible 40-row time-division-multiplexed readout M Durkin, JS Adams, SR Bandler, JA Chervenak, S Chaudhuri, ... IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 29 (5), 1-5, 2019 | 57 | 2019 |
Code-division-multiplexed readout of large arrays of TES microcalorimeters KM Morgan, BK Alpert, DA Bennett, EV Denison, WB Doriese, JW Fowler, ... Applied Physics Letters 109 (11), 2016 | 56 | 2016 |
A reassessment of absolute energies of the x-ray L lines of lanthanide metals JW Fowler, BK Alpert, DA Bennett, WB Doriese, JD Gard, GC Hilton, ... Metrologia 54 (4), 494, 2017 | 49 | 2017 |
Ultrafast time-resolved hard X-ray emission spectroscopy on a tabletop L Miaja-Avila, GC O’Neil, YI Joe, BK Alpert, NH Damrauer, WB Doriese, ... Physical Review X 6 (3), 031047, 2016 | 49 | 2016 |
Two-stage orbital order and dynamical spin frustration in KCuF3 JCT Lee, S Yuan, S Lal, YI Joe, Y Gan, S Smadici, K Finkelstein, Y Feng, ... Nature Physics 8 (1), 63-66, 2012 | 48 | 2012 |
Microcalorimeter spectroscopy at high pulse rates: A multi-pulse fitting technique JW Fowler, BK Alpert, WB Doriese, DA Fischer, C Jaye, YI Joe, GC O’Neil, ... The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 219 (2), 35, 2015 | 47 | 2015 |
Ultrafast time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy of ferrioxalate photolysis with a laser plasma X-ray source and microcalorimeter array GC O’Neil, L Miaja-Avila, YI Joe, BK Alpert, M Balasubramanian, ... The journal of physical chemistry letters 8 (5), 1099-1104, 2017 | 42 | 2017 |
Generic character of charge and spin density waves in superconducting cuprates S Lee, EW Huang, TA Johnson, X Guo, AA Husain, M Mitrano, K Lu, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (15), e2119429119, 2022 | 34 | 2022 |
X-ray spectrometer J Ullom, G O'neil, LM Avila, K Silverman, D Swetz, R Jimenez, ... US Patent 10,914,694, 2021 | 31 | 2021 |