دنبال کردن
Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi, H.F.T. Teknoloji Fakültesi, Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği Bölümü
ایمیل تأیید شده در cbu.edu.tr
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Production of waste tyre oil and experimental investigation on combustion, engine performance and exhaust emissions
A Uyumaz, B Aydoğan, H Solmaz, E Yılmaz, DY Hopa, TA Bahtli, ...
Journal of the energy institute 92 (5), 1406-1418, 2019
Ceramic coating applications and research fields for internal combustion engines
M Ciniviz, MS Salman, E Canlı, H Köse, Ö Solmaz
Ceramic Coatings-Applications in Engineering 6, 195-234, 2012
An experimental investigation on effects of methanol blended diesel fuels to engine performance and emissions of a diesel engine
M Ciniviz, H Köse, E Canli, O Solmaz
Scientific Research and Essays 6 (15), 3189-3199, 2011
Prediction of Hourly Solar Radiation in Six Provinces in Turkey by Artificial Neural Networks
O Solmaz, M Ozgoren
Journal of Energy Engineering 1, 47, 2012
Hourly cooling load prediction of a vehicle in the southern region of Turkey by Artificial Neural Network
O Solmaz, M Ozgoren, MH Aksoy
Energy Conversion and Management 82, 177-187, 2014
Comparison of artificial neural network and fuzzy logic approaches for the prediction of in-cylinder pressure in a spark ignition engine
Ö Solmaz, H Gürbüz, M Karacor
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 142 (9), 091005, 2020
Prediction of daily solar radiation using ANNs for selected provinces in Turkey
O Solmaz, H Kahramanli, A Kahraman, M Ozgoren
International scientific conference, 450-456, 2010
Biodiesel production from animal fat-palm oil blend and performance analysis of its effects on a single cylinder diesel engine
İ Sugözü, T Eryılmaz, İ Örs, Ö Solmaz
Calculation of dynamic cooling load capacity of a building air-conditioning powered by wind or solar energy
M Özgoren, K Erdoğan, A Kahraman, O Solmaz, F Köse
International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition (IEESE-5) 239, 27-30, 2010
Effect of cottonseed oil methyl ester on the performance and exhaust emissions of a vehicle/Bir Taşıtın Performans ve Egzoz Emisyonları Üzerine Pamuk Yağı Metil Esterinin Etkisi
A Kahraman, H Oğuz, İ Örs, Ö Solmaz
International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 2 (4), 104-110, 2013
Investigation of absorption cooling application powered by solar energy in the South Coast region of Turkey
O Babayigit, MH Aksoy, M Ozgoren, O Solmaz
EPJ Web of Conferences 45, 01100, 2013
Prediction of hourly cooling load capacity of an automotive air-conditioning system
M Ozgoren, O Solmaz, A Kahraman
International ege energy symposium and exhibition (IEESE-5), 27-30, 2010
Determination of cooling load of a midibus via meteorological data: Case Study For Edirne
M Ozgoren, O Solmaz, A Kahraman
International Scientific Conference, UNITECH09, 544-551, 2009
İç İçe Borulu Isı Değiştiricide Zıt Akışta Türbülatör Kullanımının Basınç Değişimine Etkisinin Sayısal Olarak İncelenmesi
E Baysal, Ö Solmaz, M Ökten, Y Başeski
El-Cezeri 8 (2), 817-826, 2021
LPG dönüşümü yapılmış bir motorun soğukta ilk hareketini kolaylaştırıcı sistemin tasarımı ve imalatı
Ö Solmaz
Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006
Güneş enerjisi destekli (PV) çalışan taşıt klima sisteminin dinamik performansının araştırılması
Ö Solmaz
Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013
Konya'da yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları malzeme üretilebilirlik araştırması
M Özgören, F Köse, MH Aksoy, E Canlı, Ö Solmaz, S Doğan, S Yağmur
Konya Sanayi Odası-Mevlana Kalkınma Ajansı Raporu, Proje No: KSO/MEVKA …, 2012
Ceramic Coatings–App
M Ciniviz, MS Salman, E Canl, H Köse, Ö Solmaz
Engineering, 2012
Numerical Investigation and Machine Learning-Based Prediction of the Effect of Using Ring Turbulators on Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Counterflow Heat Exchanger
Ö Solmaz, E Baysal, M Ökten
Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering (Formerly Recent Patents on …, 2023
Baca gazlarının ekserji analizi ve yapay sinir ağları ile modellenmesi
AB Aksoy, Ö Solmaz, Y Aksoy
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 24 (4), 610-615, 2018
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20