دنبال کردن
Michael Dobson
Michael Dobson
Learning researcher/Anglican priest
ایمیل تأیید شده در sfu.ca
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Acquiring knowledge in science and mathematics: The use of multiple representations in technology-based learning environments
T De Jong, S Ainsworth, M Dobson, A van der Hulst, J Levonen, ...
AmsterdamPergamon, 1998
Implicit learning as a design strategy for learning games: Alert Hockey
C Ciavarro, M Dobson, D Goodman
Computers in Human Behavior 24 (6), 2862-2872, 2008
Situated learning with co-operative agent simulations in team training
MW Dobson, M Pengelly, JA Sime, SA Albaladejo, EV Garcia, F Gonzales, ...
Computers in human behavior 17 (5-6), 547-573, 2001
Transforming tensions in learning technology design: Operationalising activity theory
M Dobson, D LeBlanc, D Burgoyne
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology/La revue canadienne de l …, 2004
Information enforcement and learning with interactive graphical systems
M Dobson
Learning and Instruction 9 (4), 365-390, 1999
Exploring interactive stories in an HIV/AIDS learning game: HEALTHSIMNET
MW Dobson, D Ha
Simulation & Gaming 39 (1), 39-63, 2008
Decision Training using Agent-based Business Strategy Games.
M Dobson, V Kyrylov, T Kyrylova
CATE, 66-71, 2004
Blended Learning Design.
J McCracken, M Dobson
CATE, 491-496, 2004
Problem based learning: A means to evaluate multimedia courseware in science & technology in society
M Dobson, J McCracken
Educational Multimedia & Hypermedia, 1997
Evaluating Technology-Supported Teaching Learning: A Catalyst to Organizational Change
M Dobson, J McCracken, W Hunter
Interactive Learning Environments 9 (2), 143-170, 2001
Towards a consolidated model for a collaborative courseware authoring system
M Dobson, R Rada, C Chen, A Michailidis, A Ulloa
Journal of computer assisted learning 9 (1), 34-50, 1993
From real-world data to game world experience: Social analysis methods for developing plausible & engaging learning games
M Dobson, D Ha, D Mulligan, C Ciavarro
Proceedings of DiGRA 2005 Conference: Changing Views: Worlds in Play, 2005
Towards an Analysis of Visual Media in Relation to Learning Outcomes: A Study in Improving Syllogistic Reasoning Skills
M Dobson
Institute of Educational Technology, UK, Open University, 1994
Uncovering principles for blended learning design
J McCracken, M Dobson
Journal of Educational Technology, Research and Development, 2003
Organisational computer supported collaborative learning: the affect of context
M Dobson, B Gros
Computers in Human Behavior 17 (5-6), 431-437, 2001
Toward decision support for multiple representations in teaching early logic
M Dobson
Learning with multiple representations. Advances in learning and instruction …, 1998
Resolution of conversational breakdowns with the distance learning toolkit
MW Dobson, J McCracken
Proceedings of the European conference on artificial intelligence in …, 1996
Alert Hockey: An endogenous learning game
C Ciavarro, M Dobson, D Goodman
Loading... 1 (1), 2007
The use of video game technology for investigating perceptual and cognitive awareness in sports
D Mulligan, M Dobson, J McCracken
Proceedings of DiGRA 2005 Conference: Changing Views: Worlds in Play, 2005
Towards an Analysis of Visual Media in Learning: A Study in Improving Syllogistic Reasoning.
MW Dobson
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20