دنبال کردن
Patrick P. Neumann
Patrick P. Neumann
BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
ایمیل تأیید شده در bam.de
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نقل شده توسط
Gas source localization with a micro-drone using bio-inspired and particle filter-based algorithms
PP Neumann, V Hernandez Bennetts, AJ Lilienthal, M Bartholmai, ...
Advanced Robotics, 1-14, 2013
Real-time wind estimation on a micro unmanned aerial vehicle using its inertial measurement unit
PP Neumann, M Bartholmai
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 235, 300-310, 2015
Autonomous gas-sensitive microdrone: Wind vector estimation and gas distribution mapping
PP Neumann, S Asadi, AJ Lilienthal, M Bartholmai, JH Schiller
IEEE robotics & automation magazine 19 (1), 50-61, 2012
Autonomous Gas-Sensitive Microdrone: Wind Vector Estimation and Gas Distribution Mapping
PP Neumann, S Asadi, AJ Lilienthal, M Bartholmai, JH Schiller
Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE 19 (1), 50-61, 2012
Mobile robots for localizing gas emission sources on landfill sites: is bio-inspiration the way to go?
VH Bennetts, AJ Lilienthal, PP Neumann, M Trincavelli
Frontiers in Neuroengineering 4, 2011
Bringing Mobile Robot Olfaction to the next dimension—UAV-based remote sensing of gas clouds and source localization
PP Neumann, H Kohlhoff, D Hüllmann, AJ Lilienthal, M Kluge
Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, 3910-3916, 2017
Lokalisierung von Gasquellen und Erstellung von Gasverteilungskarten mit einer Mikrodrohne
PP Neumann
Gas source localization and gas distribution mapping with a micro-drone
PP Neumann
Micro-Drone for Gas Measurement in Hazardous Scenarios via Remote Sensing
M Bartholmai, P Neumann
The 6th WSEAS International conference on remote sensing (REMOTE ’10 …, 2010
Micro-drone for the characterization and self-optimizing search of hazardous gaseous substance sources: A new approach to determine wind speed and direction
P Neumann, M Bartholmai, JH Schiller, B Wiggerich, M Manolov
Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE), 2010 IEEE International Workshop on …, 2010
From Insects to Micro Air Vehicles—A Comparison of Reactive Plume Tracking Strategies
PP Neumann, VH Bennetts, AJ Lilienthal, M Bartholmai
Intelligent Autonomous Systems 13, 1533-1548, 2016
Monitoring of CCS Areas using Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (MUAVs)
PP Neumann, S Asadi, VH Bennetts, AJ Lilienthal, M Bartholmai
Energy Procedia 37, 4182-4190, 2013
P5. 4 Adaptive Gas Source Localization Strategies and Gas Distribution Mapping using a Gas-sensitive Micro-Drone
P Neumann, M Bartholmai, VH Bennetts
Tagungsband, 800-809, 2012
Mobile gas cylinders in fire: Consequences in case of failure
R Tschirschwitz, D Krentel, M Kluge, E Askar, K Habib, H Kohlhoff, ...
Fire Safety Journal 91, 989-996, 2017
An artificial potential field based sampling strategy for a gas-sensitive micro-drone
P Neumann, S Asadi, JH Schiller, AJ Lilienthal, M Bartholmai
IROS Workshop on Robotics for Environmental Monitoring (WREM), 34-38, 2011
Multifunctional Sensor for Monitoring of CO2 Underground Storage by Comprehensive and Spatially Resolved Measuring of Gas Concentrations, Temperature and Structural Changes
M Bartholmai, PP Neumann, D Lazik
Energy Procedia 37, 4033-4040, 2013
Probabilistic Air Flow Modelling Using Turbulent and Laminar Characteristics for Ground and Aerial Robots
VH Bennetts, TP Kucner, E Schaffernicht, PP Neumann, H Fan, ...
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2 (2), 1117-1123, 2017
Tomographic reconstruction of soil gas distribution from multiple gas sources based on sparse sampling
PP Neumann, D Lazik, M Bartholmai
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (11), 4501-4508, 2016
Characteristic length measurement of a subsurface gas anomaly—A monitoring approach for heterogeneous flow path distributions
D Lazik, S Ebert, PP Neumann, M Bartholmai
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 47, 330-341, 2016
Adaptive spatial-resolved gas concentration measurement using a micro-drone
M Bartholmai, P Neumann
TM-TECHNISCHES MESSEN 78 (10), 470-478, 2011
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20