دنبال کردن
Rupert Till
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Pop cult
R Till
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2010
Sound archaeology: terminology, Palaeolithic cave art and the soundscape
R Till
World archaeology 46 (3), 292-304, 2014
Cave acoustics in prehistory: Exploring the association of Palaeolithic visual motifs and acoustic response
B Fazenda, C Scarre, R Till, RJ Pasalodos, MR Guerra, C Tejedor, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142 (3), 1332-1349, 2017
Sound archaeology: A study of the acoustics of three world heritage sites, Spanish prehistoric painted caves, Stonehenge, and paphos theatre
R Till
Acoustics 1 (3), 661-692, 2019
Popular music education: A step into the light
R Till
The Routledge research companion to popular music education, 14-30, 2017
Songs of the Stones: an investigation into the musical history and culture of Stonehenge
R Till
IASPM: International Association for the Study of Popular Music Journal 1 (2 …, 2010
An archaeoacoustic study of the Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum on Malta
R Till
Antiquity 91 (355), 74-89, 2017
Singer-songwriter authenticity, the unconscious and emotions (feat. Adele’s ‘Someone Like You’)
R Till, K Williams, JA Williams
The Cambridge companion to the singer-songwriter, 291-304, 2016
Pop stars and idolatry: An investigation of the worship of popular music icons, and the music and cult of Prince
R Till
Journal of Beliefs & Values 31 (1), 69-80, 2010
Songs of the stones: the acoustics of Stonehenge
R Till
The Sounds of Stonehenge, 2009
Possession trance ritual in electronic dance music culture: a popular ritual technology for reenchantment, addressing the crisis of the homeless self, and reinserting the …
R Till
Exploring Religion and the Sacred in a Media Age, 169-188, 2009
The Personality Cult of Prince: Purple Rain, Sex and the Sacred, and the Implicit Religion Surrounding a Popular Icon.
R Till
Implicit Religion 13 (2), 2010
The nine o'clock service: Mixing club culture and postmodern Christianity
R Till
Culture and Religion 7 (1), 93-110, 2006
An investigation into the sonic signature of three classic dynamic range compressors
A Moore, R Till, JP Wakefield
Sound archaeology: an interdisciplinary perspective
R Till
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014
Ambient Music
R Till
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Popular Music (Bloomsbury Handbooks …, 2017
Ambient Music
R Till
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Popular Music (Bloomsbury Handbooks …, 2017
Music & Ritual: bridging material & living cultures
M Howell, R Jimenez, R Till, AA Both
Ekho Verlag, 2013
Editorial introduction: Popular music in education, Special Issue
L Green, D Lebler, R Till
IASPM Journal 5 (1), 1-3, 2015
Twenty first century popular music studies
R Till
IASPM Journal 3 (2), 1-14, 2013
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مقاله‌ها 1–20