Social movements D Della Porta, M Diani Oxford, 1999 | 8116 | 1999 |
Social movements, political violence and the state DA Della Porta zzz, 1995 | 2460 | 1995 |
Transnational protest and global activism D Della Porta, SG Tarrow Rowman & Littlefield, 2005 | 1807 | 2005 |
Social movements in times of austerity: Bringing capitalism back into protest analysis D Della Porta John Wiley & Sons, 2015 | 1781* | 2015 |
Policing protest: The control of mass demonstrations in Western democracies D Della Porta, HR Reiter U of Minnesota Press, 1998 | 1435* | 1998 |
Approaches and methodologies in the social sciences: A pluralist perspective D Della Porta, M Keating Cambridge University Press, 2008 | 1395 | 2008 |
Globalization from below: Transnational activists and protest networks D Della Porta U of Minnesota Press, 2006 | 1101 | 2006 |
Corrupt exchanges: Actors, resources, and mechanisms of political corruption D Della Porta Routledge, 2017 | 1029 | 2017 |
Can Democracy be saved? D Della Porta Polity Press, 2013 | 988* | 2013 |
Social movements in a globalizing world: An introduction D Della Porta, H Kriesi Social movements in a globalizing world, 3-22, 1999 | 922 | 1999 |
Global justice movement: Cross-national and transnational perspectives D Della Porta, M Andretta, A Calle, H Combes, N Eggert, MG Giugni, ... Routledge, 2015 | 838* | 2015 |
Clandestine political violence D Della Porta Cambridge University Press, 2013 | 768 | 2013 |
Social capital, beliefs in government, and political corruption D Della Porta Disaffected democracies: What’s troubling the trilateral countries, 202-228, 2000 | 706 | 2000 |
Movement parties against austerity D Della Porta, J Fernández, H Kouki, L Mosca John Wiley & Sons, 2017 | 683 | 2017 |
11 Comparative analysis: case-oriented versus variable-oriented research D Della Porta Approaches and methodologies in the social sciences 198, 2008 | 656 | 2008 |
Global-net for global movements? A network of networks for a movement of movements D Della Porta, L Mosca Journal of public policy 25 (1), 165-190, 2005 | 563 | 2005 |
Los movimientos sociales D Della Porta, M Diani CIS, 2011 | 543 | 2011 |
Social movements and Europeanization D Della Porta, M Caiani Oxford University Press, USA, 2009 | 524 | 2009 |
Mobilizing on the extreme right: Germany, Italy, and the United States M Caiani, D Della Porta, C Wagemann Oxford University Press, 2012 | 506 | 2012 |
Transnational processes and social activism: An introduction D Della Porta, S Tarrow Transnational protest and global activism 1, 2005 | 471 | 2005 |