دنبال کردن
Chi-Hang Lam
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Robust intrinsic ferromagnetism and half semiconductivity in stable two-dimensional single-layer chromium trihalides
WB Zhang, Q Qu, P Zhu, CH Lam
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (48), 12457-12468, 2015
Glass transition dynamics and surface layer mobility in unentangled polystyrene films
Z Yang, Y Fujii, FK Lee, CH Lam, OKC Tsui
Science 328 (5986), 1676-1679, 2010
Harvesting the Vibration Energy of BiFeO3 Nanosheets for Hydrogen Evolution
H You, Z Wu, L Zhang, Y Ying, Y Liu, L Fei, X Chen, Y Jia, Y Wang, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 (34), 11779-11784, 2019
Direct TEM observations of growth mechanisms of two-dimensional MoS2 flakes
L Fei, S Lei, WB Zhang, W Lu, Z Lin, CH Lam, Y Chai, Y Wang
Nature communications 7, 12206, 2016
Mechanisms of imprint effect on ferroelectric thin films
Y Zhou, HK Chan, CH Lam, FG Shin
Journal of applied physics 98 (2), 024111, 2005
Competing roughening mechanisms in strained heteroepitaxy: a fast kinetic Monte Carlo study
CH Lam, CK Lee, LM Sander
Physical review letters 89 (21), 216102, 2002
Cross-Kerr effect on an optomechanical system
W Xiong, DY Jin, Y Qiu, CH Lam, JQ You
Physical Review A 93 (2), 023844, 2016
Improved discretization of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
CH Lam, FG Shin
Physical Review E 58 (5), 5592, 1998
Viscosity of PMMA on Silica: Epitome of Systems with Strong Polymer–Substrate Interactions
RN Li, F Chen, CH Lam, OKC Tsui
Macromolecules 46 (19), 7889-7893, 2013
Glass transition dynamics and surface mobility of entangled polystyrene films at equilibrium
Z Yang, A Clough, CH Lam, OKC Tsui
Macromolecules 44 (20), 8294-8300, 2011
Accelerated pyro-catalytic hydrogen production enabled by plasmonic local heating of Au on pyroelectric BaTiO3 nanoparticles
H You, S Li, Y Fan, X Guo, Z Lin, R Ding, X Cheng, H Zhang, TWB Lo, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 6144, 2022
Ultrahigh refractive index sensing performance of plasmonic quadrupole resonances in gold nanoparticles
Z Yong, DY Lei, CH Lam, Y Wang
Nanoscale research letters 9 (1), 187, 2014
Beyond the heteroepitaxial quantum dot: self-assembling complex nanostructures controlled by strain and growth kinetics
JL Gray, R Hull, CH Lam, P Sutter, J Means, JA Floro
Physical Review B 72 (15), 155323, 2005
Anomaly in numerical integrations of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
CH Lam, FG Shin
Physical Review E 57 (6), 6506, 1998
Parity-symmetry-breaking quantum phase transition via parametric drive in a cavity magnonic system
GQ Zhang, Z Chen, W Xiong, CH Lam, JQ You
Physical Review B 104 (6), 064423, 2021
Equilibrium pathway of spin-coated polymer films
OKC Tsui, YJ Wang, FK Lee, CH Lam, Z Yang
Macromolecules 41 (4), 1465-1468, 2008
Island, pit, and groove formation in strained heteroepitaxy
MT Lung, CH Lam, LM Sander
Physical review letters 95 (8), 086102, 2005
Surface growth with temporally correlated noise
CH Lam, LM Sander, DE Wolf
Physical Review A 46 (10), R6128, 1992
Viscosity and Surface-Promoted Slippage of Thin Polymer Films Supported by a Solid Substrate
F Chen, D Peng, CH Lam, OKC Tsui
Macromolecules 48 (14), 5034-5039, 2015
Pipe network model for scaling of dynamic interfaces in porous media
CH Lam, VK Horváth
Physical review letters 85 (6), 1238, 2000
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مقاله‌ها 1–20