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Marcella Frangipane
Marcella Frangipane
ایمیل تأیید شده در uniroma1.it
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نقل شده توسط
New Symbols of a New Power in A" Royal" Tomb from 3 000 BC Arslantepe, Malatya (Trukey)
M Frangipane, GM Di Nocera, A Hauptmann, P Morbidelli, AM Palmieri, ...
Paléorient, 105-139, 2001
Of storage and nomads The sealings from late Neolithic Sabi Abyad, Syria [with comments]
PMMG Akkermans, K Duistermaat, R BERNBECK, S CLEUZIOU, ...
Paléorient, 17-44, 1996
A protourban centre of the late Uruk period in perspectives on protourbanization in Eastern Anatolia: Arslantepe (Malatya). An interim report on 1975-1983 campaigns
M Frangipane, A Palmieri
Origini. Rivista di Prehistoria e Protostoria delle Civiltà Antiche 12 (2 …, 1983
Genomic history of neolithic to bronze age Anatolia, northern Levant, and southern Caucasus
E Skourtanioti, YS Erdal, M Frangipane, FB Restelli, KA Yener, F Pinnock, ...
Cell 181 (5), 1158-1175. e28, 2020
A 4th-millennium temple/palace complex at Arslantepe-Malatya. North-South relations and the formation of early state societies in the northern regions of Greater Mesopotamia
M Frangipane
Paléorient, 45-73, 1997
Different types of egalitarian societies and the development of inequality in early Mesopotamia
M Frangipane
World Archaeology 39 (2), 151-176, 2007
The Late Chalcolithic IEB I sequence at Arslantepe. Chronological and cultural remarks from a frontier site
M Frangipane
Publications de l'Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes 11 (1), 439-471, 2000
Local components in the development of centralized societies in Syro-Anatolian regions
M Frangipane
Between the Rivers and over the Mountains, 133-161, 1993
Centralization processes in greater Mesopotamia: Uruk'expansion'as the climax of systematic interactions among areas of the greater Mesopotamian region
M Frangipane
uruk mesopotamia & its neighbors: cross-cultural interactions in the era of …, 2001
Fourth millennium Arslantepe: The development of a centralised society without urbanisation
M Frangipane
Origini 34, 19-40, 2012
Different trajectories in state formation in Greater Mesopotamia: A view from Arslantepe (Turkey)
M Frangipane
Journal of Archaeological Research 26, 3-63, 2018
The Transition between two opposing forms of power at Arslantepe (Malatya) at the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium.
M Frangipane
Tüba-Ar 4, 1-24, 2001
Red-black ware, pastoralism, trade, and Anatolian-Transcaucasian interactions in the 4th-3rd millennium BC
M Frangipane, G Palumbi
Les cultures du Caucase (VIe-IIIe millénaires avant notre ère). Leurs …, 2007
Arslantepe-Malatya: a prehistoric and early historic center in eastern Anatolia
M Frangipane
Non-Uruk” developments and Uruk-linked features on the northern borders of Greater Mesopotamia
M Frangipane
Artefacts of Complexity. Tracking the Uruk in the near East, 123-148, 2002
Arslantepe, Malatya (Turkey): Textiles, Tools and Imprints of Fabrics from the 4th to the 2nd Millennium BCE
R Laurito, M Frangipane, EA Strand, S Möller-Wiering, ML Nosch, ...
Paléorient, 5-29, 2009
Archaeomagnetic study of five mounds from Upper Mesopotamia between 2500 and 700 BCE: Further evidence for an extremely strong geomagnetic field ca. 3000 years ago
P Ertepinar, CG Langereis, AJ Biggin, M Frangipane, T Matney, T Ökse, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 357, 84-98, 2012
Arslantepe-Cretulae: An Early Centralised Administrative System Before Writing
M Frangipane, P Ferioli, E Fiandra, R Laurito, H Pittman
Arslantepe-Cretulae: An Early Centralised Administrative System Before …, 2007
Alle origini del potere. Arslantepe, la collina dei leoni
M Frangipane
Mondadori/Electa, 2004
The collapse of the 4th millennium centralised system at Arslantepe and the far-reaching changes in 3rd millennium societies
M Frangipane
Origini 34, 237-260, 2013
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مقاله‌ها 1–20