دنبال کردن
Jan Knorn
Jan Knorn
ایمیل تأیید شده در geo.hu-berlin.de - صفحهٔ اصلی
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نقل شده توسط
Land cover mapping of large areas using chain classification of neighboring Landsat satellite images
J Knorn, A Rabe, VC Radeloff, T Kuemmerle, J Kozak, P Hostert
Remote Sensing of Environment 113 (5), 957-964, 2009
Mapping the extent of abandoned farmland in Central and Eastern Europe using MODIS time series satellite data
C Alcantara, T Kuemmerle, M Baumann, EV Bragina, P Griffiths, P Hostert, ...
Environmental Research Letters 8 (3), 035035, 2013
Forest cover change and illegal logging in the Ukrainian Carpathians in the transition period from 1988 to 2007
T Kuemmerle, O Chaskovskyy, J Knorn, VC Radeloff, I Kruhlov, ...
Remote sensing of environment 113 (6), 1194-1207, 2009
Canopy mortality has doubled in Europe’s temperate forests over the last three decades
C Senf, D Pflugmacher, Y Zhiqiang, J Sebald, J Knorn, M Neumann, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 4978, 2018
Forest restitution and protected area effectiveness in post-socialist Romania
J Knorn, T Kuemmerle, VC Radeloff, A Szabo, M Mindrescu, WS Keeton, ...
Biological Conservation 146 (1), 204-212, 2012
Using annual time-series of Landsat images to assess the effects of forest restitution in post-socialist Romania
P Griffiths, T Kuemmerle, RE Kennedy, IV Abrudan, J Knorn, P Hostert
Remote Sensing of Environment 118, 199-214, 2012
Continued loss of temperate old-growth forests in the Romanian Carpathians despite an increasing protected area network
JAN Knorn, T Kuemmerle, VC Radeloff, WS Keeton, V Gancz, IA Biriş, ...
Environmental Conservation 40 (2), 182-193, 2013
Carbon implications of forest restitution in post-socialist Romania
P Olofsson, T Kuemmerle, P Griffiths, J Knorn, A Baccini, V Gancz, ...
Environmental Research Letters 6 (4), 045202, 2011
Mapping land management regimes in western Ukraine using optical and SAR data
J Stefanski, T Kuemmerle, O Chaskovskyy, P Griffiths, V Havryluk, J Knorn, ...
Remote Sensing 6 (6), 5279-5305, 2014
The effect of protected areas on forest disturbance in the Carpathian Mountains 1985–2010
V Butsic, C Munteanu, P Griffiths, J Knorn, VC Radeloff, J Lieskovský, ...
Conservation Biology 31 (3), 570-580, 2017
Canopy mortality has doubled in Europe’s temperate forests over the last three decades. Nat. Commun. 9, 4978
C Senf, D Pflugmacher, Y Zhiqiang, J Sebald, J Knorn, M Neumann, ...
Land change in the Carpathian region before and after major institutional changes
C Munteanu, V Radeloff, P Griffiths, L Halada, D Kaim, J Knorn, J Kozak, ...
Land-Cover and Land-Use Changes in Eastern Europe after the Collapse of the …, 2017
Comment on “Opinion paper: Forest management and biodiversity”: the role of protected areas is greater than the sum of its number of species
M Mikoláš, M Svoboda, V Pouska, RC Morrissey, DC Donato, WS Keeton, ...
Web Ecology 14 (1), 61-64, 2014
Динаміка лісистості Українських Карпат протягом 1988–2007 років: Геоекологічний аналіз засобами геоматики
І Круглов, Т Кюммерле, О Часковський, Я Кнорн, Ф Раделофф, ...
Вісник Львівського університету. Серія географічна, 218-233, 2013
Studying land-use and land-cover change with high resolution data
J Knorn
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2012
A first satellite-based estimation of recent (1984-2017) trends in forest disturbances for Central Europe
C Senf, D Pflugmacher, Y Zhiqiang, J Sebald, J Knorn, P Hostert, R Seidl
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 5325, 2018
Erratum to: Land Change in the Carpathian Region Before and After Major Institutional Changes
C Munteanu, V Radeloff, P Griffiths, L Halada, D Kaim, J Knorn, J Kozak, ...
Land-Cover and Land-Use Changes in Eastern Europe after the Collapse of the …, 2017
COS 8-9: Forest cover change and illegal logging during the post-socialist transition time in the Ukrainian Carpathians
T Kuemmerle, J Knorn, O Chaskovskyy, VC Radeloff, P Hostert
The 93rd ESA Annual Meeting, 2008
Using remote sensing to assess land use change and biodiversity in the Carpathian Ecoregion
J Knorn, P Hostert, T Kuemmerle, VC Radeloff
Land use and land cover change 1: remote sensing perspectives
From Data to Knowledge, from Knowledge to Action, 144, 0
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مقاله‌ها 1–20