دنبال کردن
Helena Biancuzzi
Helena Biancuzzi
Departement of Economics, Ca' Foscari, Venice - Ipazia, Roma
ایمیل تأیید شده در spes.uniud.it
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Adopting a knowledge translation approach in healthcare co-production. A case study
F Dal Mas, H Biancuzzi, M Massaro, L Miceli
Management Decision 58 (9), 1841-1862, 2020
Opioid misuse: a review of the main issues, challenges, and strategies
H Biancuzzi, F Dal Mas, V Brescia, S Campostrini, M Cascella, A Cuomo, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (18), 11754, 2022
Hand in hand: a multistakeholder approach for co-production of surgical care
L Cobianchi, F Dal Mas, M Massaro, R Bednarova, H Biancuzzi, C Filisetti, ...
The American Journal of Surgery 223 (1), 214-215, 2022
Post breast cancer coaching path: a co-production experience for women
H Biancuzzi, F Dal Mas, L Miceli, R Bednarova
Gender Studies, Entrepreneurship and Human Capital: 5th IPAZIA Workshop on …, 2020
Doctor@ Home: through a telemedicine co-production and co-learning journey
L Miceli, F Dal Mas, H Biancuzzi, R Bednarova, A Rizzardo, L Cobianchi, ...
Journal of Cancer Education, 1-3, 2022
Knowledge translation in oncology. A case study
F Dal Mas, H Biancuzzi, M Massaro, A Barcellini, L Cobianchi, L Miceli
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 18 (3), pp212‑223-pp212‑223, 2020
Sexual health dysfunction after radiotherapy for gynecological cancer: role of physical rehabilitation including pelvic floor muscle training
A Barcellini, M Dominoni, F Dal Mas, H Biancuzzi, SC Venturini, ...
Frontiers in Medicine 8, 813352, 2022
Cancer rehabilitation and physical activity: the “Oncology in Motion” project
R Bednarova, H Biancuzzi, A Rizzardo, F Dal Mas, M Massaro, ...
Journal of Cancer Education, 1-3, 2020
La traduzione della conoscenza in ambito medico tra diversi stakeholder. Un caso di studio in oncologia
H Biancuzzi, F Dal Mas, A Barcellini, L Miceli
Recenti Progressi in Medicina 111 (12), 769, 2020
Post-breast cancer coaching: the synergy between health and fitness through co-production
B Helena, M Luca, B Rym, G Andrea
Rivista Scientifica 75, 181-187, 2019
Economic and performance evaluation of E-health before and after the pandemic era: a literature review and future perspectives
H Biancuzzi, F Dal Mas, C Bidoli, V Pegoraro, M Zantedeschi, PA Negro, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (5), 4038, 2023
Nascita di un percorso riabilitativo in un Irccs oncologico del Friuli-Venezia Giulia:‘Oncology in motion’
L Miceli, R Bednarova, H Biancuzzi, A Garlatti
Politiche Sanitarie 20 (2), 89-95, 2019
Business models beyond Covid-19. A paradoxes approach
C Bagnoli, F Dal Mas, H Biancuzzi, M Massaro
Journal of Business Models 9 (4), 112-124, 2021
The importance of soft skills in Co-Production of healthcare services in the public sector
F Dal Mas, H Biancuzzi, L Miceli
Soft skills for human centered management and global sustainability. London …, 2021
Challenges working mothers face. A discussion exploring the obstacles of balancing motherhood and career progression
CN Rowe, F Dal Mas, H Biancuzzi, D Rugara
When the crisis becomes an opportunity: The role of women in the post-Covid …, 2023
Covid-19 and front-line nurses' mental health: a literature review
F Ruta, F Dal Mas, H Biancuzzi, P Ferrara, A Della Monica
Professioni Infermieristiche 74 (1), 41-47, 2021
Are we ready for" green surgery" to promote environmental sustainability in the operating room? Results from the WSES STAR investigation
F Dal Mas, L Cobianchi, D Piccolo, J Balch, H Biancuzzi, WL Biffl, ...
World Journal of Emergency Surgery 19 (1), 5, 2024
The rehabilitation tailor: applying personalized medicine to cancer recovery
G Bongiorno, H Biancuzzi, F Dal Mas, R Bednarova, L Miceli
Frontiers in Global Women's Health 3, 914302, 2022
Covid-19 e salute mentale del personale infermieristico in prima linea: una revisione della letteratura
F Ruta, F Dal Mas, H Biancuzzi, P Ferrara, A Della Monica
Professioni infermieristiche 74 (1), 2021
What people search for when browsing “Doctor Google.” An analysis of search trends in Italy after the law on pain
L Miceli, R Bednarova, I Bednarova, A Rizzardo, L Cobianchi, F Dal Mas, ...
Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy 35 (1), 23-30, 2021
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20