The relationship between Precision-Recall and ROC curves J Davis, M Goadrich Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Machine learning, 233-240, 2006 | 8296 | 2006 |
Smart smartphone development: iOS versus Android MH Goadrich, MP Rogers Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science …, 2011 | 222 | 2011 |
Learning ensembles of first-order clauses for recall-precision curves: A case study in biomedical information extraction M Goadrich, L Oliphant, J Shavlik International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, 98-115, 2004 | 121 | 2004 |
ICML’06: Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Machine learning J Davis, M Goadrich New York, NY, USA: ACM, 233-240, 2006 | 76 | 2006 |
Gleaner: Creating ensembles of first-order clauses to improve recall-precision curves M Goadrich, L Oliphant, J Shavlik Machine Learning 64, 231-261, 2006 | 71 | 2006 |
Learning to extract genic interactions using Gleaner M Goadrich, L Oliphant, J Shavlik KNOWLEDGE-INTENSIVE, INTERACTIVE AND EFFICIENT RELATIONAL PATTERN LEARNING, 263, 2006 | 22 | 2006 |
Incorporating tangible computing devices into CS1 M Goadrich Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 29 (5), 23-31, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
An undergraduate laboratory activity on molecular dynamics simulations B Spitznagel, PR Pritchett, TC Messina, M Goadrich, J Rodriguez Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 44 (2), 130-139, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Automated Playtesting with RECYCLEd CardStock C Bell, M Goadrich Game & Puzzle Design 2 (1), 71-83, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
A hands-on comparison of iOS vs. android M Rogers, M Goadrich Proceedings of the 43rd ACM technical symposium on Computer Science …, 2012 | 7* | 2012 |
Exploring the Use of Android OS in CS2 M Goadrich, M Jadud, J Jennings Proc. of I. Smartphones in the Curriculum Workshop, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
Improving solvability for procedurally generated challenges in physical solitaire games through entangled components M Goadrich, J Droscha IEEE Transactions on Games 12 (3), 260-269, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Civic Engagement Across the Computing Curriculum M Goadrich, M Goldweber, M Jadud, SM Pulimood, SA Rebelsky Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Exploring and evolving process-oriented control for real and virtual fire fighting robots K Hardey, E Corapcioglu, M Mattis, M Goadrich, M Jadud Proceedings of the 14th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2012 | 4 | 2012 |
TopSpin and communication/origami M Goadrich Proceedings of the Mid South Conference, Searcy, AR, 2010 | 4* | 2010 |
Combining clauses with various precisions and recalls to produce accurate probabilistic estimates M Goadrich, J Shavlik Inductive Logic Programming, 122-131, 2007 | 3 | 2007 |
Cs2mulch: Physical manipulatives for teaching advanced data structures M Goadrich Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Analyzing Two-Color Babylon M Goadrich, M Schlatter Integers, 2011 | 2 | 2011 |
Learning ensembles of first-order clauses that optimize precision-recall curves MH Goadrich ProQuest, 2007 | 2 | 2007 |
Procedural Puzzle Challenge Generation in Fujisan M Goadrich, J Droscha CoRR, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |