دنبال کردن
Jarkko Hautamäki
Jarkko Hautamäki
ایمیل تأیید شده در helsinki.fi - صفحهٔ اصلی
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نقل شده توسط
Domain-general problem solving skills and education in the 21st century
S Greiff, S Wüstenberg, B Csapó, A Demetriou, J Hautamäki, AC Graesser, ...
Educational Research Review 13, 2014
The Finnish education system and PISA
S Kupiainen, J Hautamäki, T Karjalainen
1458-8110, 2009
Confirmatory factor analysis of the Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test in three international samples: An empirical test of the triarchic theory of intelligence.
RJ Sternberg, JL Castejón, MD Prieto, J Hautamäki, EL Grigorenko
European Journal of Psychological Assessment 17 (1), 1, 2001
Can we be intelligent about intelligence?: Why education needs the concept of plastic general ability
P Adey, B Csapó, A Demetriou, J Hautamäki, M Shayer
Educational Research Review 2 (2), 75-97, 2007
Assessing learning-to-learn: A framework
J Hautamäki, P Arinen, MJ Niemivirta, S Eronen, A Hautamäki, ...
Opetushallitus, 2002
Visuospatial working memory and early numeracy
M Kyttälä, P Aunio, JE Lehto, J Van Luit, J Hautamäki
Educational and Child Psychology 20 (3), 65-76, 2003
Mathematical thinking intervention programmes for preschool children with normal and low number sense
P Aunio*, J Hautamäki, JEH Van Luit
European Journal of Special Needs Education 20 (2), 131-146, 2005
Erityispedagogiikan perusteet
J Hautamäki, U Lahtinen, S Moberg, K Tuunainen
Helsinki: Wsoy, 181-183, 2001
PISA 2015 ensituloksia. Huipulla pudotuksesta huolimatta.
J Vettenranta, E Puhakka, J Rautopuro, MP Vainikainen, J Välijärvi, ...
Opetus-ja kulttuuriministeriö, 2016
Young children's number sense in China and Finland
P Aunio, M Niemivirta, J Hautamäki, JEH Van Luit, J Shi, M Zhang
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 50 (5), 483-502, 2006
Individualized service provision in the new welfare state: Lessons from special education in Finland
C Sabel, AL Saxenian, R Miettinen, PH Kristensen, J Hautamäki
Working memory resources in young children with mathematical difficulties
M Kyttälä, P Aunio, J Hautamäki
Scandinavian journal of psychology 51 (1), 1-15, 2010
Conceptual change in adopting the nationwide special education strategy in Finland
H Thuneberg, J Hautamäki, R Ahtiainen, M Lintuvuori, MP Vainikainen, ...
Journal of educational change 15, 37-56, 2014
Young children's number sense in Finland, Hong Kong and Singapore
P Aunio, J Ee, SEA Lim, J Hautamäki, J Van Luit
International Journal of Early Years Education 12 (3), 195-216, 2004
The early numeracy test in finnish: Children's norms
P Aunio, J Hautamäki, P Heiskari, JEH Van Luit
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 47 (5), 369-378, 2006
Erikoispedagogiikan perusteet
S Moberg, J Hautamäki, J Kivirauma, U Lahtinen, H Savolainen, ...
PS-kustannus, 2015
Early numeracy in low‐performing young children
P Aunio, J Hautamäki, N Sajaniemi, JEH Van Luit
British Educational Research Journal 35 (1), 25-46, 2009
Tehostettua ja erityistä tukea tarvitsevien oppilaiden opetuksen kehittäminen 2007–2011: Kehittävän arvioinnin loppuraportti.
R Ahtiainen, M Beirad, J Hautamäki, T Hilasvuori, M Lintuvuori, ...
1799-0343, 2012
Exploring the relation between time on task and ability in complex problem solving
R Scherer, S Greiff, J Hautamäki
Intelligence 48, 37-50, 2015
The role of strategy knowledge for the application of strategies in complex problem solving tasks
S Wüstenberg, M Stadler, J Hautamäki, S Greiff
Technology, Knowledge and Learning 19, 127-146, 2014
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مقاله‌ها 1–20