What makes professional development effective? Results from a national sample of teachers MS Garet, AC Porter, L Desimone, BF Birman, KS Yoon American educational research journal 38 (4), 915-945, 2001 | 9965 | 2001 |
Improving impact studies of teachers’ professional development: Toward better conceptualizations and measures LM Desimone Educational researcher 38 (3), 181-199, 2009 | 8036 | 2009 |
Effects of professional development on teachers’ instruction: Results from a three-year longitudinal study LM Desimone, AC Porter, MS Garet, KS Yoon, BF Birman Educational evaluation and policy analysis 24 (2), 81-112, 2002 | 3451 | 2002 |
Designing professional development that works BF Birman, L Desimone, AC Porter, MS Garet Educational leadership 57 (8), 28-33, 2000 | 1936 | 2000 |
Linking parent involvement with student achievement: Do race and income matter? L Desimone The journal of educational research 93 (1), 11-30, 1999 | 1502 | 1999 |
A primer on effective professional development LM Desimone Phi delta kappan 92 (6), 68-71, 2011 | 1284 | 2011 |
Best practices in teacher's professional development in the United States LM Desimone, MS Garet | 1208 | 2015 |
How can comprehensive school reform models be successfully implemented? L Desimone Review of educational research 72 (3), 433-479, 2002 | 1047 | 2002 |
Instructional coaching as high-quality professional development LM Desimone, K Pak Theory into practice 56 (1), 3-12, 2017 | 872 | 2017 |
Are we asking the right questions? Using cognitive interviews to improve surveys in education research LM Desimone, KC Le Floch Educational evaluation and policy analysis 26 (1), 1-22, 2004 | 777 | 2004 |
Are teachers who need sustained, content-focused professional development getting it? An administrator’s dilemma LM Desimone, TM Smith, K Ueno Educational administration quarterly 42 (2), 179-215, 2006 | 416 | 2006 |
Designing Effective Professional Development: Lessons from the Eisenhower Program [and] Technical Appendices. MS Garet, BF Birman, AC Porter, L Desimone, R Herman ED Pub PO Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398, 1999 | 383 | 1999 |
Professional development in the accountability context: Building capacity to achieve standards ED Hochberg, LM Desimone Educational psychologist 45 (2), 89-106, 2010 | 365 | 2010 |
Formal and informal mentoring: complementary, compensatory, or consistent? LM Desimone, ED Hochberg, AC Porter, MS Polikoff, R Schwartz, ... Journal of teacher education 65 (2), 88-110, 2014 | 346 | 2014 |
Does professional development change teaching practice? Results from a three-year study. AC Porter, MS Garet, L Desimone, KS Yoon, BF Birman ED Pubs, PO Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398, 2000 | 319 | 2000 |
Linking student achievement growth to professional development participation and changes in instruction: A longitudinal study of elementary students and teachers in Title I schools LM Desimone, TM Smith, KJR Phillips Teachers college record 115 (5), 1-46, 2013 | 302 | 2013 |
How do district management and implementation strategies relate to the quality of the professional development that districts provide to teachers? L Desimone, AC Porter, BF Birman, MS Garet, KS Yoon Teachers college record 104 (7), 1265-1312, 2002 | 268 | 2002 |
“Highly qualified” to do what? The relationship between NCLB teacher quality mandates and the use of reform-oriented instruction in middle school mathematics TM Smith, LM Desimone, K Ueno Educational evaluation and policy analysis 27 (1), 75-109, 2005 | 265 | 2005 |
Teacher effects and the achievement gap: Do teacher and teaching quality influence the achievement gap between Black and White and high-and low-SES students in the early grades? LM Desimone, D Long Teachers College Record 112 (12), 3024-3073, 2010 | 256 | 2010 |
Providing effective professional development: Lessons from the Eisenhower program AC Porter, MS Garet, LM Desimone, BF Birman Science educator 12 (1), 23, 2003 | 239 | 2003 |