دنبال کردن
Andrea Antoniazzi
Andrea Antoniazzi
International School of Florence
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نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Maximum entropy principle explains quasistationary states in systems with long-range interactions: The example of the Hamiltonian mean-field model
A Antoniazzi, D Fanelli, J Barré, PH Chavanis, T Dauxois, S Ruffo
Physical Review E 75 (1), 011112, 2007
Nonequilibrium tricritical point in a system with long-range interactions
A Antoniazzi, D Fanelli, S Ruffo, YY Yamaguchi
Physical Review Letters 99 (4), 040601, 2007
Exploring the Thermodynamic Limit of Hamiltonian Models:<? format?> Convergence to the Vlasov Equation
A Antoniazzi, F Califano, D Fanelli, S Ruffo
Physical review letters 98 (15), 150602, 2007
Statistical mechanics and Vlasov equation allow for a simplified Hamiltonian description of Single-Pass Free Electron Laser saturated dynamics
A Antoniazzi, Y Elskens, D Fanelli, S Ruffo
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 50, 603-611, 2006
Wave-particle interaction: from plasma physics to the free-electron laser
A Antoniazzi, G De Ninno, D Fanelli, A Guarino, S Ruffo
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 7 (1), 143, 2005
On the origin of quasi-stationary states in models of wave–particle interaction
A Antoniazzi, RS Johal, D Fanelli, S Ruffo
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 13 (1), 2-10, 2008
Stabilizing the intensity of a wave amplified by a beam of particles
R Bachelard, A Antoniazzi, C Chandre, D Fanelli, X Leoncini, M Vittot
The European Physical Journal D 42, 125-132, 2007
Dynamics and stabilization of the Elettra storage-ring free-electron laser
G De Ninno, A Antoniazzi, B Diviacco, D Fanelli, L Giannessi, R Meucci, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (6 …, 2005
Maximum entropy principle and coherent harmonic generation using a single-pass free-electron laser
F Curbis, A Antoniazzi, G De Ninno, D Fanelli
The European Physical Journal B 59, 527-533, 2007
Enhancement of particle trapping in the wave-particle interaction
R Bachelard, A Antoniazzi, C Chandre, D Fanelli, M Vittot
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 13 (3), 660-665, 2008
The Hamiltonian Mean Field model: anomalous or normal diffusion?
A Antoniazzi, D Fanelli, S Ruffo
AIP Conference Proceedings 965 (1), 122-128, 2007
General Physics: Statistical and Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, etc.-Exploring the Thermodynamic Limit of Hamiltonian Models: Convergence to the Vlasov Equation
A Antoniazzi, F Califano, D Fanelli, S Ruffo
Physical Review Letters 98 (15), 150602-150602, 2007
An account of the statistical and dynamical properties of systems with long-range interactions
A Antoniazzi, S Ruffo
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2006
Control of the intensity of a wave interacting with charged particles
R Bachelard, C Chandre, X Leoncini, M Vittot, A Antoniazzi, D Fanelli
Proc. of the 28th Intern. Free Electron Laser Conference FEL2006, Berlin …, 2006
Free Electron Laser as a paradigmatic example of systems with long-range interactions
A Antoniazzi, D Fanelli, S Ruffo, J Barré, T Dauxois, G De Ninno
28th International Free Electron Laser Conference, 87, 2006
The HMF model: anomalous or normal diffusion?
A Antoniazzi, D Fanelli, S Ruffo
Complexity, Metastability, And Nonextensivity: An International Conference …, 2008
Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Mean-Field Models: The Emergence of Quasi Stationary States, PhD Thesis
A Antoniazzi
University of Florence, 2007
General Physics: Statistical and Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, etc.-Nonequilibrium Tricritical Point in a System with Long-Range Interactions
A Antoniazzi, D Fanelli, S Ruffo, YY Yamaguchi
Physical Review Letters 99 (4), 40601-41100, 2007
Contrôler l'interaction onde-particules
R Bachelard, C Chandre, X Leoncini, M Vittot, A Antoniazzi, D Fanelli
9e Rencontre du Nonlinéaire, 19-24, 2006
Enhancement of particle trapping in the Free Electron Laser
R Bachelard, A Antoniazzi, C Chandre, D Fanelli, M Vittot
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (8), 54-58, 2006
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مقاله‌ها 1–20