دنبال کردن
Michael Jennings
Michael Jennings
Professor of Global Development, Dept of Development Studies, SOAS University of London
ایمیل تأیید شده در soas.ac.uk - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Development, civil society and faith-based organizations: Bridging the sacred and the secular
G Clarke, M Jennings, T Shaw
Springer, 2007
Surrogates of the state: NGOs, development, and Ujamaa in Tanzania
M Jennings
Kumarian Press, 2008
‘Almost an Oxfam in itself’: Oxfam, Ujamaa and development in Tanzania
M Jennings
African Affairs 101 (405), 509-530, 2002
Introduction: The emperor's new clothes? Continuities in governance in late colonial and early postcolonial East Africa
A Burton, M Jennings
The International Journal of African Historical Studies 40 (1), 1-25, 2007
The charitable impulse: NGOs & development in East & north-East Africa
O Barrow, M Jennings
‘We Must Run While Others Walk’: popular participation and development crisis in Tanzania, 1961–9
M Jennings
The Journal of Modern African Studies 41 (2), 163-187, 2003
" A Very Real War": Popular Participation in Development in Tanzania During the 1950s & 1960s
M Jennings
The International journal of African historical studies 40 (1), 71-95, 2007
'Healing of Bodies, Salvation of Souls': Missionary Medicine in Colonial Tanganyika, 1870s-1939
M Jennings
Journal of Religion in Africa 38 (1), 27-56, 2008
Chinese medicine and medical pluralism in Dar es Salaam: globalisation or glocalisation?
M Jennings
International Relations 19 (4), 457-473, 2005
Missions and maternal and child health care in colonial Tanganyika, 1919-1939
M Jennings
Rodopi, 2006
‘Do not turn away a poor man’*: faith-based organizations and development
M Jennings
Handbook of research on development and Religion, 359-375, 2013
Building better people: modernity and utopia in late colonial Tanganyika
M Jennings
Journal of Eastern African Studies 3 (1), 94-111, 2009
Conclusion: Faith and Development—of Ethno-separatism, Multiculturalism and Religious Partitioning?
M Jennings, G Clarke
Development, civil society and faith-based organizations: bridging the …, 2008
The precariousness of the franchise state: voluntary sector health services and international NGOs in Tanzania, 1960s–mid-1980s
M Jennings
Social Science & Medicine 141, 1-8, 2015
The spirit of brotherhood: Christianity and Ujamaa in Tanzania
M Jennings
Development, Civil Society and Faith-Based Organizations: Bridging the …, 2008
Using archives
M Jennings
Doing development research, 241-250, 2006
Bridging the local and the global: Faith-based organisations and the emergence of the non-state provider sector in Tanzania
M Jennings
Cornell University Press, 2014
Uganda: recent history
A Rake, M Jennings
Africa south of the Sahara, 11671175, 2004
‘Development is Very Political in Tanzania’: Oxfam and the Chunya Integrated Development Programme 1972–76
M Jennings
Indiana University Press, 2016
‘This Mysterious and Intangible Enemy’: Health and Disease Amongst the Early UMCA Missionaries, 1860–1918
M Jennings
Social history of medicine 15 (1), 65-87, 2002
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مقاله‌ها 1–20