دنبال کردن
Philip A. Schrodt
Philip A. Schrodt
Parus Analytics LLC
ایمیل تأیید شده در psu.edu - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Gdelt: Global data on events, location, and tone, 1979–2012
K Leetaru, PA Schrodt
ISA annual convention 2 (4), 1-49, 2013
Empirical political analysis
JB Manheim, RC Rich, L Willnat, CL Brians
Pearson Education UK, 2012
Conflict and Mediation Event Observations (CAMEO): A New Event Data Framework for the Analysis of Foreign Policy Interactions. Prepapred for The Annual Meeting of the …
DJ Gerner, PA Schrodt, R Abu-Jabr, Ö Yilmaz
Seven deadly sins of contemporary quantitative political analysis
PA Schrodt
Journal of peace research 51 (2), 287-300, 2014
Machine coding of event data using regional and international sources
DJ Gerner, PA Schrodt, RA Francisco, JL Weddle
International Studies Quarterly 38 (1), 91-119, 1994
Validity assessment of a machine-coded event data set for the Middle East, 1982-92
PA Schrodt, DJ Gerner
American Journal of Political Science, 825-854, 1994
Political science: KEDS—a program for the machine coding of event data
PA Schrodt, SG Davis, JL Weddle
Social Science Computer Review 12 (4), 561-587, 1994
Cameo: Conflict and mediation event observations event and actor codebook
PA Schrodt
Pennsylvania State University 610, 35, 2012
Analyzing the Dynamics of International Mediation Processes in the Middle East and Balkans
PA Schrodt, DJ GERNER, R ABU-JABR, Ö Yilmaz, EM Simpson
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2001
Precedents, progress, and prospects in political event data
PA Schrodt
International Interactions 38 (4), 546-569, 2012
Introduction to the special issue: The statistical analysis of political text
BL Monroe, PA Schrodt
Political Analysis 16 (4), 351-355, 2008
Real Time, Time Series Forecasting of Political Conflict
PT Brandt, RF John, PA Schrodt
Conflict Management and Peace Science 28 (1), 41-64, 2011
Event data in foreign policy analysis
PA Schrodt
Foreign policy analysis: Continuity and change in its second generation, 145-166, 1995
Middle East politics
D Gerner, P Schrodt
Understanding the Contemporary Middle East, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 90, 2000
Empirical indicators of crisis phase in the Middle East, 1979-1995
PA Schrodt, DJ Gerner
Journal of Conflict Resolution 41 (4), 529-552, 1997
Cluster-based early warning indicators for political change in the contemporary levant
PA Schrodt, DJ Gerner
American Political Science Review 94 (4), 803-817, 2000
Forecasting conflict in the Balkans using hidden Markov models
PA Schrodt
Programming for peace: Computer-aided methods for international conflict …, 2006
Separating the wheat from the chaff: Applications of automated document classification using support vector machines
V d'Orazio, ST Landis, G Palmer, P Schrodt
Political analysis 22 (2), 224-242, 2014
Pattern Recognition of International Crises Using
PA Schrodt
Political complexity: Nonlinear models of politics, 296, 2000
Automated coding of international event data using sparse parsing techniques
PA Schrodt
annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Chicago, 2001
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مقاله‌ها 1–20