An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human genomes 1000 Genomes Project Consortium Nature 491 (7422), 56, 2012 | 8502 | 2012 |
The genetic structure and history of Africans and African Americans SA Tishkoff, FA Reed, FR Friedlaender, C Ehret, A Ranciaro, A Froment, ... science 324 (5930), 1035-1044, 2009 | 1901 | 2009 |
Convergent adaptation of human lactase persistence in Africa and Europe SA Tishkoff, FA Reed, A Ranciaro, BF Voight, CC Babbitt, JS Silverman, ... Nature genetics 39 (1), 31-40, 2007 | 1886 | 2007 |
Ancient human genomes suggest three ancestral populations for present-day Europeans I Lazaridis, N Patterson, A Mittnik, G Renaud, S Mallick, K Kirsanow, ... Nature 513 (7518), 409-413, 2014 | 1627 | 2014 |
The Simons genome diversity project: 300 genomes from 142 diverse populations S Mallick, H Li, M Lipson, I Mathieson, M Gymrek, F Racimo, M Zhao, ... Nature 538 (7624), 201-206, 2016 | 1551 | 2016 |
The missing diversity in human genetic studies G Sirugo, SM Williams, SA Tishkoff Cell 177 (1), 26-31, 2019 | 1465 | 2019 |
Great ape genetic diversity and population history J Prado-Martinez, PH Sudmant, JM Kidd, H Li, JL Kelley, ... Nature 499 (7459), 471-475, 2013 | 992 | 2013 |
African genetic diversity: implications for human demographic history, modern human origins, and complex disease mapping MC Campbell, SA Tishkoff Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet. 9 (1), 403-433, 2008 | 958 | 2008 |
Global patterns of linkage disequilibrium at the CD4 locus and modern human origins SA Tishkoff, E Dietzsch, W Speed, AJ Pakstis, JR Kidd, K Cheung, ... Science 271 (5254), 1380-1387, 1996 | 773 | 1996 |
Haplotype diversity and linkage disequilibrium at human G6PD: recent origin of alleles that confer malarial resistance SA Tishkoff, R Varkonyi, N Cahinhinan, S Abbes, G Argyropoulos, ... Science 293 (5529), 455-462, 2001 | 756 | 2001 |
Tracing the peopling of the world through genomics R Nielsen, JM Akey, M Jakobsson, JK Pritchard, S Tishkoff, E Willerslev Nature 541 (7637), 302-310, 2017 | 733 | 2017 |
Microcephalin, a gene regulating brain size, continues to evolve adaptively in humans PD Evans, SL Gilbert, N Mekel-Bobrov, EJ Vallender, JR Anderson, ... science 309 (5741), 1717-1720, 2005 | 690 | 2005 |
Taking race out of human genetics M Yudell, D Roberts, R DeSalle, S Tishkoff Science 351 (6273), 564-565, 2016 | 680 | 2016 |
Implications of biogeography of human populations for'race'and medicine SA Tishkoff, KK Kidd Nature genetics 36 (Suppl 11), S21-S27, 2004 | 674 | 2004 |
Ongoing adaptive evolution of ASPM, a brain size determinant in Homo sapiens N Mekel-Bobrov, SL Gilbert, PD Evans, EJ Vallender, JR Anderson, ... Science 309 (5741), 1720-1722, 2005 | 606 | 2005 |
Genome-wide patterns of population structure and admixture in West Africans and African Americans K Bryc, A Auton, MR Nelson, JR Oksenberg, SL Hauser, S Williams, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (2), 786-791, 2010 | 550 | 2010 |
A recent bottleneck of Y chromosome diversity coincides with a global change in culture M Karmin, L Saag, M Vicente, MAW Sayres, M Järve, UG Talas, S Rootsi, ... Genome research 25 (4), 459-466, 2015 | 527 | 2015 |
Genomic analyses inform on migration events during the peopling of Eurasia L Pagani, DJ Lawson, E Jagoda, A Mörseburg, A Eriksson, M Mitt, ... Nature 538 (7624), 238-242, 2016 | 508 | 2016 |
Genetic analysis of African populations: human evolution and complex disease SA Tishkoff, SM Williams Nature Reviews Genetics 3 (8), 611-621, 2002 | 508 | 2002 |
PATTERNS OF HUMAN GENETIC DIVERSITY: Implications for Human Evolutionary History and Disease SA Tishkoff, BC Verrelli Annual review of genomics and human genetics 4 (1), 293-340, 2003 | 497 | 2003 |