دنبال کردن
Xuechen Lei
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Experimental investigation of the hysteretic performance of dual-tube self-centering buckling-restrained braces with composite tendons
Z Zhou, Q Xie, XC Lei, XT He, SP Meng
Journal of Composites for Construction 19 (6), 04015011, 2015
Formalized control logic fault definition with ontological reasoning for air handling units
X Lei, Y Chen, M Bergés, B Akinci
Automation in Construction 129, 103781, 2021
Development of National New Construction Weighting Factors for the Commercial Building Prototype Analyses (2003-2018)
X Lei, JB Butzbaugh, Y Chen, J Zhang, MI Rosenberg
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2020
A case study about energy and cost impacts for different community scenarios using a community-scale building energy modeling tool
Y Ye, X Lei, J Lerond, J Zhang, ET Brock
Buildings 12 (10), 1549, 2022
A perspective of decarbonization pathways in future buildings in the United States
Y Ye, AHA Dehwah, CA Faulkner, H Sathyanarayanan, X Lei
Buildings 13 (4), 1003, 2023
A Modularized Urban Scale Building Energy Modeling Framework Designed with An Open Mind.
X Lei, Y Ye, J Lerond, J Zhang
ASHRAE Transactions 127 (1), 2021
Assessment of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) in Supporting Building Energy Benchmarking
X Lei, M Kang, M Bergés, B Akinci
Proc. of the 32nd CIB W78 Conference, 2015
Optimizing Price-Informed Operation of a Battery Storage System in an Office Building
X Lei, E Franconi, Y Ye
Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA, 548--555, 2021
Systematic Control Logic Fault Identification and Localization of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems
X Lei
Carnegie Mellon University, 2019
Control Performance Verification–The Hidden Opportunity of Ensuring High Performance of Building Control System
Y Chen, M Wetter, X Lei, J Lerond, AK Prakash, YJ Jung, P Ehrlich, ...
Research on collapse of structure under earthquakes with consideration of P-Δ effect and its influence factors
L Renjie, WU Jing, W Chunlin
Journal of Building Structures 34 (2), 69-75, 2013
A Knowledge-based Framework for Building Energy Model Performance Verification
Y Chen, J Lerond, X Lei, M Rosenberg, D Vrabie
Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA, 1943--1950, 2021
Long-Term Assessment of Commercial Building Energy and Carbon Emissions in the Northwestern Region Under Future Weather Trend
Y Yang, J Sui, Y Ye, W Zuo, YJ Jung, X Lei
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2024
Long-Term Assessment of Commercial Building Energy and Carbon Reduction Potential in the Northwestern Region under Future Climate Trend 2
Y Yang, J Sui, Y Ye, W Zuo, YJ Jung, X Lei
Building Efficiency for Energy Resilience: Analysis and Applications for States and Local Governments
E Franconi, M Singh, L Troup, C Nambiar, X Lei
Building-to-Grid Modeling Framework with a Case Study of Battery Systems
N Waltz, CA Faulkner, Y Ye, X Lei, E Brock
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States …, 2023
Model Energy Codes End-Use Opportunity Analysis
C Chandrasekharan Nambiar, X Lei, MI Rosenberg
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2023
Data-Driven Investigation of How Performance-Based Code Is Pushing Washington Commercial Buildings to Net Zero Energy and Decarbonization Targets
J Lerond, S Goel, M Rosenberg, J Gonzalez, V Zhao
ASHRAE Transactions 129, 356-364, 2023
Development of an Application Programming Interface for a Building Systems Control Performance Verification Framework
J Lerond
ASHRAE Transactions 129, 472-480, 2023
Model Energy Codes End-Use Opportunity Analysis
C Nambiar, X Lei, M Rosenberg
ASHRAE Transactions 129, 339-347, 2023
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مقاله‌ها 1–20