دنبال کردن
Amy R. Reibman
Amy R. Reibman
ایمیل تأیید شده در purdue.edu
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Recovery of lost or erroneously received motion vectors
WM Lam, AR Reibman, B Liu
1993 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 1993
Multiple description coding for video delivery
Y Wang, AR Reibman, S Lin
Proceedings of the IEEE 93 (1), 57-70, 2004
Multiple description coding using pairwise correlating transforms
Y Wang, MT Orchard, V Vaishampayan, AR Reibman
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10 (3), 351-366, 2001
VBR video: Tradeoffs and potentials
TV Lakshman, A Ortega, AR Reibman
Proceedings of the IEEE 86 (5), 952-973, 1998
An adaptive congestion control scheme for real-time packet video transport
H Kanakia, PP Mishra, A Reibman
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 23 (4), 20-31, 1993
Optimal detection and performance of distributed sensor systems
AR Reibman, LW Nolte
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 24-30, 1987
Packet loss resilience of MPEG-2 scalable video coding algorithms
R Aravind, MR Civanlar, AR Reibman
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 6 (5), 426-435, 1996
Multiple description image coding for noisy channels by pairing transform coefficients
Y Wang, MT Orchard, AR Reibman
Proceedings of First Signal Processing Society Workshop on Multimedia Signal …, 1997
Constraints on variable bit-rate video for ATM networks
AR Reibman, BG Haskell
Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on 2 (4), 361-372, 1992
Compressed video over networks
MT Sun
CRC Press, 2000
Joint selection of source and channel rate for VBR video transmission under ATM policing constraints
CY Hsu, A Ortega, AR Reibman
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15 (6), 1016-1028, 1997
Multiple-description video coding using motion-compensated temporal prediction
AR Reibman, H Jafarkhani, Y Wang, MT Orchard, R Puri
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 12 (3), 193-204, 2002
Traffic descriptors for VBR video teleconferencing over ATM networks
AR Reibman, AW Berger
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON) 3 (3), 329-339, 1995
Quality monitoring of video over a packet network
AR Reibman, VA Vaishampayan, Y Sermadevi
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 6 (2), 327-334, 2004
Modeling packet-loss visibility in MPEG-2 video
S Kanumuri, PC Cosman, AR Reibman, VA Vaishampayan
Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on 8 (2), 341-355, 2006
Methods for performance evaluation of VBR video traffic models
DM Lucantoni, MF Neuts, AR Reibman
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 2 (2), 176-180, 1994
Redundancy rate-distortion analysis of multiple description coding using pairwise correlating transforms
MT Orchard, Y Wang, V Vaishampayan, AR Reibman
Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing 1, 608-611, 1997
An adaptive congestion control scheme for real time packet video transport
H Kanakia, PP Mishra, AR Reibman
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON) 3 (6), 671-682, 1995
No-reference image and video quality estimation: Applications and human-motivated design
SS Hemami, AR Reibman
Signal processing: Image communication 25 (7), 469-481, 2010
Design of quantizers for decentralized estimation systems
WM Lam, AR Reibman
IEEE Transactions on communications 41 (11), 1602-1605, 1993
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مقاله‌ها 1–20