دنبال کردن
Sonja Simon
Sonja Simon
ایمیل تأیید شده در dlr.de
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals
S Teske, T Pregger, S Simon, T Naegler, S Schmid, M Meinshausen
Carbon neutral archipelago–100% renewable energy supply for the Canary Islands
HC Gils, S Simon
Applied Energy 188, 342-355, 2017
Energy [R] evolution 2010—a sustainable world energy outlook
S Teske, T Pregger, S Simon, T Naegler, W Graus, C Lins
Energy Efficiency 4, 409-433, 2011
The 2 C scenario—a sustainable world energy perspective
W Krewitt, S Simon, W Graus, S Teske, A Zervos, O Schäfer
Energy Policy 35 (10), 4969-4980, 2007
Quantification of the European industrial heat demand by branch and temperature level
T Naegler, S Simon, M Klein, HC Gils
International Journal of Energy Research 39 (15), 2019-2030, 2015
Energy system transition pathways to meet the global electricity demand for ambitious climate targets and cost competitiveness
A Aghahosseini, AA Solomon, C Breyer, T Pregger, S Simon, P Strachan, ...
Applied energy 331, 120401, 2023
Stoffstromanalyse zur nachhaltigen energetischen Nutzung von Biomasse
U Fritsche, G Dehoust, W Jenseit, K Hüneke, L Rausch, D Schüler, ...
Öko-Institut, 2004
100% renewable energy supply for Brazil—The role of sector coupling and regional development
HC Gils, S Simon, R Soria
Energies 10 (11), 1859, 2017
Energy [R] evolution-a sustainable world energy outlook-2012 world energy scenario
S Teske, T Pregger, S Simon, T Naegler, M O’Sullivan, S Schmid, ...
Greenpeace International, 2012
Energy [r]evolution-a sustainable world energy outlook 2015
S Teske, S Sawyer, O Schäfer, T Pregger, S Simon, T Naegler, S Schmid, ...
Greenpeace International, 2015
Kurz-und langfristige Auswirkungen des Ausbaus erneuerbarer Energien auf den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt
U Lehr, C Lutz, D Edler, M O'Sullivan, K Nienhaus, J Nitsch, B Breitschopf, ...
Influence of soil properties on electrical conductivity under humid water regimes
K Auerswald, S Simon, H Stanjek
Soil Science 166 (6), 382-390, 2001
Energy [R] evolution 2008—a sustainable world energy perspective
W Krewitt, S Teske, S Simon, T Pregger, W Graus, E Blomen, S Schmid, ...
Energy Policy 37 (12), 5764-5775, 2009
High renewable energy penetration scenarios and their implications for urban energy and transport systems
S Teske, T Pregger, S Simon, T Naegler
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 30, 89-102, 2018
Decarbonization scenarios for the iron and steel industry in context of a sectoral carbon budget: Germany as a case study
C Harpprecht, T Naegler, B Steubing, A Tukker, S Simon
Journal of Cleaner Production 380, 134846, 2022
Beschäftigung durch erneuerbare Energien in Deutschland: Ausbau und Betrieb, heute und morgen
U Lehr, P Ulrich, C Lutz, I Thobe, D Edler, M O'Sullivan, T Naegler, ...
GWS, 2015
It is still possible to achieve the paris climate agreement: Regional, sectoral, and land-use pathways
S Teske, T Pregger, S Simon, T Naegler, J Pagenkopf, Ö Deniz, ...
Energies 14 (8), 2103, 2021
Integrated multidimensional sustainability assessment of energy system transformation pathways
T Naegler, L Becker, J Buchgeister, W Hauser, H Hottenroth, T Junne, ...
Sustainability 13 (9), 5217, 2021
Land transport development in three integrated scenarios for Germany–Technology options, energy demand and emissions
S Ehrenberger, S Seum, T Pregger, S Simon, G Knitschky, U Kugler
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 90, 102669, 2021
Beyond climate change. Multi-attribute decision making for a sustainability assessment of energy system transformation pathways
H Hottenroth, C Sutardhio, A Weidlich, I Tietze, S Simon, W Hauser, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 156, 111996, 2022
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مقاله‌ها 1–20