دنبال کردن
S. Philip Morgan
S. Philip Morgan
Director, Carolina Population Center & Professor of Sociology, UNC-CH
ایمیل تأیید شده در unc.edu
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Adolescent Mothers in Later Life
FF Furstenberg
Cambridge University Press, 1987
Paternal participation and children's well-being after marital dissolution
Frank. F. Furstenberg, Jr., SP Morgan, PD Allison
American Sociological Review, 695-701, 1987
Fathers, sons, and daughters: Differential paternal involvement in parenting
KM Harris, SP Morgan
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 531-544, 1991
First births in America: Changes in the timing of parenthood
RR Rindfuss, SP Morgan, CG Swicegood
Univ of California Press, 2023
Sons, daughters, and the risk of marital disruption
SP Morgan, DN Lye, GA Condran
American journal of sociology 94 (1), 110-129, 1988
Is low fertility a twenty-first-century demographic crisis?
S Philip Morgan
Demography 40, 589-603, 2003
Education and the changing age pattern of American fertility: 1963–1989
RR Rindfuss, SP Morgan, K Offutt
Demography 33 (3), 277-290, 1996
The changing institutional context of low fertility
RR Rindfuss, KB Guzzo, SP Morgan
Population Research and Policy Review 22, 411-438, 2003
Intermarriage and social distance among US immigrants at the turn of the century
DL Pagnini, SP Morgan
American journal of sociology 96 (2), 405-432, 1990
Logistic regression: Description, examples, and comparisons
SP Morgan, JD Teachman
Journal of Marriage and Family 50 (4), 929-936, 1988
Adolescent mothers and their children in later life
FF Furstenberg Jr, J Brooks-Gunn, SP Morgan
Family planning perspectives, 142-151, 1987
Missing the target? Correspondence of fertility intentions and behavior in the US
A Quesnel-Vallée, SP Morgan
Population research and policy review 22, 497-525, 2003
The correspondence between fertility intentions and behavior in the United States
SP Morgan, H Rackin
Population and development review 36 (1), 91-118, 2010
The second demographic transition theory: A review and appraisal
B Zaidi, SP Morgan
Annual review of sociology 43 (1), 473-492, 2017
Race differences in the timing of adolescent intercourse
FF Furstenberg Jr, SP Morgan, KA Moore, JL Peterson
American Sociological Review, 511-518, 1987
Religiosity and fertility in the United States: The role of fertility intentions
SR Hayford, SP Morgan
Social forces 86 (3), 1163-1188, 2008
Marital disruption: Structual and temporal dimensions
SP Morgan, RR Rindfuss
American Journal of Sociology 90 (5), 1055-1077, 1985
Muslim and non‐Muslim differences in female autonomy and fertility: evidence from four Asian countries
SP Morgan, S Stash, HL Smith, KO Mason
Population and development review 28 (3), 515-537, 2002
Gender inequality and fertility in two Nepali villages
SP Morgan, BB Niraula
Population and Development Review, 541-561, 1995
Intended and ideal family size in the United States, 1970–2002
KJ Hagewen, SP Morgan
Population and development review 31 (3), 507-527, 2005
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مقاله‌ها 1–20