دنبال کردن
Richarde Marques da Silva
Richarde Marques da Silva
ایمیل تأیید شده در geociencias.ufpb.br
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Rainfall and river flow trends using Mann–Kendall and Sen’s slope estimator statistical tests in the Cobres River basin
RM Da Silva, CAG Santos, M Moreira, J Corte-Real, VCL Silva, ...
Natural Hazards 77, 1205-1221, 2015
Spatiotemporal impact of land use/land cover changes on urban heat islands: A case study of Paço do Lumiar, Brazil
JS Silva, RM Da Silva, CAG Santos
Building and Environment 136, 279-292, 2018
Future scenarios based on a CA-Markov land use and land cover simulation model for a tropical humid basin in the Cerrado/Atlantic forest ecotone of Brazil
ER da Cunha, CAG Santos, RM da Silva, VM Bacani, A Pott
Land Use Policy 101, 105141, 2021
A bibliometric analysis of sustainable development goals (SDGs): a review of progress, challenges, and opportunities
M Mishra, S Desul, CAG Santos, SK Mishra, AHM Kamal, S Goswami, ...
Environment, development and sustainability 26 (5), 11101-11143, 2024
Protective effect of Copaifera langsdorffii oleo-resin against acetic acid-induced colitis in rats
LAF Paiva, LA Gurgel, ET De Sousa, ER Silveira, RM Silva, FA Santos, ...
Journal of ethnopharmacology 93 (1), 51-56, 2004
Preparation and characterisation in simulated body conditions of glutaraldehyde crosslinked chitosan membranes
RM Silva, GA Silva, OP Coutinho, JF Mano, RL Reis
Journal of materials science: Materials in Medicine 15 (10), 1105-1112, 2004
Modeling land cover change based on an artificial neural network for a semiarid river basin in northeastern Brazil
LP e Silva, APC Xavier, RM da Silva, CAG Santos
Global Ecology and Conservation 21, e00811, 2020
Lipid nanoparticles strategies to modify pharmacokinetics of central nervous system targeting drugs: Crossing or circumventing the blood–brain barrier (BBB) to manage …
AC Correia, AR Monteiro, R Silva, JN Moreira, JMS Lobo, AC Silva
Advanced drug delivery reviews 189, 114485, 2022
Integration of GIS and remote sensing for estimation of soil loss and prioritization of critical sub-catchments: a case study of Tapacurá catchment
RM Da Silva, SMGL Montenegro, CAG Santos
Natural Hazards 62, 953-970, 2012
Deforestation and fires in the Brazilian Amazon from 2001 to 2020: Impacts on rainfall variability and land surface temperature
RM da Silva, AG Lopes, CAG Santos
Journal of Environmental Management 326, 116664, 2023
Drought assessment using a TRMM-derived standardized precipitation index for the upper São Francisco River basin, Brazil
CAG Santos, RM Brasil Neto, JSA Passos, RM da Silva
Environmental monitoring and assessment 189, 1-19, 2017
Modeling the impacts of future LULC and climate change on runoff and sediment yield in a strategic basin in the Caatinga/Atlantic forest ecotone of Brazil
JYG dos Santos, SMGL Montenegro, RM da Silva, CAG Santos, ...
Catena 203, 105308, 2021
Analysis of long-and short-term shoreline change dynamics: A study case of João Pessoa city in Brazil
CAG Santos, TVM do Nascimento, M Mishra, RM da Silva
Science of The Total Environment 769, 144889, 2021
Molecular motions in chitosan studied by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy
MT Viciosa, M Dionisio, RM Silva, RL Reis, JF Mano
Biomacromolecules 5 (5), 2073-2078, 2004
Geo-ecological impact assessment of severe cyclonic storm Amphan on Sundarban mangrove forest using geospatial technology
M Mishra, T Acharyya, CAG Santos, RM da Silva, D Kar, AHM Kamal, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 260, 107486, 2021
Trend analysis of monthly streamflows using Şen's innovative trend method
Ö Kişi, CAG Santos, RM da Silva, M Zounemat-Kermani
G eofizika 35 (1), 53–68-53–68, 2018
Evaluation of the TRMM product for monitoring drought over Paraíba State, northeastern Brazil: a trend analysis
RM Brasil Neto, CAG Santos, JFCBC Silva, RM da Silva, CAC Dos Santos, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1097, 2021
Cluster analysis applied to spatiotemporal variability of monthly precipitation over Paraíba state using Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data
CAG Santos, RM Brasil Neto, RM da Silva, SGF Costa
Remote Sensing 11 (6), 637, 2019
Drought impacts, social organization, and public policies in northeastern Brazil: a case study of the upper Paraíba River basin
JC Dantas, RM Da Silva, CAG Santos
Environmental monitoring and assessment 192, 1-21, 2020
Assessment of current and future land use/cover changes in soil erosion in the Rio da Prata basin (Brazil)
ER da Cunha, CAG Santos, RM da Silva, E Panachuki, PTS de Oliveira, ...
Science of The Total Environment 818, 151811, 2022
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20