دنبال کردن
Mari Sepp
Mari Sepp
postdoctoral researcher, University of Heidelbeg
ایمیل تأیید شده در zmbh.uni-heidelberg.de
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Identification of cis-elements and transcription factors regulating neuronal activity-dependent transcription of human BDNF gene
P Pruunsild, M Sepp, E Orav, I Koppel, T Timmusk
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (9), 3295-3308, 2011
Functional diversity of human basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor TCF4 isoforms generated by alternative 5′ exon usage and splicing
M Sepp, K Kannike, A Eesmaa, M Urb, T Timmusk
PloS one 6 (7), e22138, 2011
Pitt–Hopkins syndrome-associated mutations in TCF4 lead to variable impairment of the transcription factor function ranging from hypomorphic to dominant …
M Sepp, P Pruunsild, T Timmusk
Human molecular genetics 21 (13), 2873-2888, 2012
The molecular evolution of spermatogenesis across mammals
F Murat, N Mbengue, SB Winge, T Trefzer, E Leushkin, M Sepp, ...
Nature 613 (7943), 308-316, 2023
NF‐κB‐dependent regulation of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor in hippocampal neurons by X‐linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein
M Kairisalo, L Korhonen, M Sepp, P Pruunsild, JP Kukkonen, J Kivinen, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 30 (6), 958-966, 2009
Developmental and evolutionary dynamics of cis-regulatory elements in mouse cerebellar cells
I Sarropoulos*, M Sepp*, R Frömel, K Leiss, N Trost, E Leushkin, ...
Science 373 (6558), eabg4696, 2021
Cellular development and evolution of the mammalian cerebellum
M Sepp*, K Leiss*, F Murat, K Okonechnikov, P Joshi, E Leushkin, ...
Nature 625 (7996), 788-796, 2024
Forkhead transcription factor FOXO3a levels are increased in Huntington disease because of overactivated positive autofeedback loop
K Kannike, M Sepp, C Zuccato, E Cattaneo, T Timmusk
Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (47), 32845-32857, 2014
Tissue-specific and neural activity-regulated expression of human BDNF gene in BAC transgenic mice
I Koppel, T Aid-Pavlidis, K Jaanson, M Sepp, P Pruunsild, K Palm, ...
BMC neuroscience 10, 1-14, 2009
The intellectual disability and schizophrenia associated transcription factor TCF4 is regulated by neuronal activity and protein kinase A
M Sepp, H Vihma, K Nurm, M Urb, SC Page, K Roots, A Hark, BJ Maher, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (43), 10516-10527, 2017
A lamprey neural cell type atlas illuminates the origins of the vertebrate brain
F Lamanna, F Hervas-Sotomayor, AP Oel, D Jandzik, D Sobrido-Cameán, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 7 (10), 1714-1728, 2023
N‐terminally truncated BAF57 isoforms contribute to the diversity of SWI/SNF complexes in neurons
A Kazantseva*, M Sepp*, J Kazantseva, H Sadam, P Pruunsild, ...
Journal of neurochemistry 109 (3), 807-818, 2009
Partial deletion of TCF4 in three generation family with non-syndromic intellectual disability, without features of Pitt-Hopkins syndrome
M Kharbanda, K Kannike, A Lampe, J Berg, T Timmusk, M Sepp
European Journal of Medical Genetics 59 (6-7), 310-314, 2016
Mapping pediatric brain tumors to their origins in the developing cerebellum.
K Okonechnikov*, P Joshi*, M Sepp*, K Leiss*, I Sarropoulos, F Murat, ...
Neuro-Oncology, noad124, 2023
Nucleolar enrichment of brain proteins with critical roles in human neurodevelopment
LP Slomnicki, A Malinowska, M Kistowski, A Palusinski, JJ Zheng, M Sepp, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 15 (6), 2055-2075, 2016
Association of bovine papillomavirus E2 protein with nuclear structures in vivo
R Kurg, K Sild, A Ilves, M Sepp, M Ustav
Journal of virology 79 (16), 10528-10539, 2005
Introducing Pitt-Hopkins syndrome-associated mutations of TCF4 to Drosophila daughterless
L Tamberg, M Sepp, T Timmusk, M Palgi
Biology open 4 (12), 1762-1771, 2015
Bovine papillomavirus type 1 E2 protein heterodimer is functional in papillomavirus DNA replication in vivo
R Kurg, P Uusen, T Sepp, M Sepp, A Abroi, M Ustav
Virology 386 (2), 353-359, 2009
The Fuchs corneal dystrophy-associated CTG repeat expansion in the TCF4 gene affects transcription from its alternative promoters
A Sirp, K Leite, J Tuvikene, K Nurm, M Sepp, T Timmusk
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 18424, 2020
BAC transgenic mice reveal distal cis‐regulatory elements governing BDNF gene expression
I Koppel, T Aid‐Pavlidis, K Jaanson, M Sepp, K Palm, T Timmusk
genesis 48 (4), 214-219, 2010
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مقاله‌ها 1–20