دنبال کردن
Fatima Chouireb
Fatima Chouireb
Professeur en Electronique, Université Laghouat,
ایمیل تأیید شده در lagh-univ.dz
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Fall detection and human activity classification using wearable sensors and compressed sensing
O Kerdjidj, N Ramzan, K Ghanem, A Amira, F Chouireb
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 11, 349-361, 2020
Comparative study of motion detection methods for video surveillance systems
K Sehairi, F Chouireb, J Meunier
Journal of Electronic Imaging 26 (2), 023025-023025, 2017
Elderly fall detection system based on multiple shape features and motion analysis
K Sehairi, F Chouireb, J Meunier
2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision …, 2018
Adaptive lucas-kanade tracking
Y Ahmine, G Caron, EM Mouaddib, F Chouireb
Image and Vision Computing 88, 1-8, 2019
A recurrent TSK interval type-2 fuzzy neural networks control with online structure and parameter learning for mobile robot trajectory tracking
A Bencherif, F Chouireb
Applied Intelligence 49 (11), 3881-3893, 2019
An FPGA implementation of the matching pursuit algorithm for a compressed sensing enabled e-Health monitoring platform
O Kerdjidj, A Amira, K Ghanem, N Ramzan, S Katsigiannis, F Chouireb
Microprocessors and Microsystems 67, 131-139, 2019
Towards a high quality Arabic speech synthesis system based on neural networks and residual excited vocal tract model
F Chouireb, M Guerti
Signal, Image and Video Processing 2, 73-87, 2008
Automatic day time cloud detection over land and sea from MSG SEVIRI images using three features and two artificial intelligence approaches
M Reguiegue, F Chouireb
Signal, Image and Video Processing 12 (1), 189-196, 2018
Neural Networks Trained with Levenberg-Marquardt-Iterated Extended Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Trajectory Tracking.
BC Aissa, C Fatima
Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Review 10 (4), 2017
Data fusion strategy for the navigation of a mobile robot in an unknown environment using fuzzy logic control
B Aissa, C Fatima, A Yassine
2017 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering-Boumerdes (ICEE …, 2017
New approach to establish a clear sky global solar irradiance model
M Zaiani, D Djafer, F Chouireb
Int. J. Renew. Energy Res 7, 1454-1462, 2017
F Chouireb, M Guerti, M Nail, Y Dimeh
Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering (Springer Science & Business Media …, 2007
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy control for trajectory tracking of a wheeled mobile robot
BC Aissa, C Fatima
2015 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1-4, 2015
A hardware framework for fall detection using inertial sensors and compressed sensing
O Kerdjidj, E Boutellaa, A Amira, K Ghanem, F Chouireb
Microprocessors and Microsystems 91, 104514, 2022
Study of atmospheric turbidity in a northern tropical region using models and measurements of global solar radiation
M Zaiani, A Irbah, D Djafer, C Listowski, J Delanoe, D Kaskaoutis, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (12), 2271, 2021
Real-time implementation of human action recognition system based on motion analysis
K Sehairi, C Benbouchama, EH Kobzili, F Chouireb
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision, 143-164, 2017
Real time implementation on FPGA of moving objects detection and classification
K Sehairi, C Benbouchama, F Chouireb
International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 9, 160-167, 2015
Real ECG signal acquisition with shimmer platform and using of compressed sensing techniques in the offline signal reconstruction
O Kerdjidj, K Ghanem, A Amira, F Harizi, F Chouireb
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI …, 2016
Concatenation of dictionaries for recovery of ecg signals using compressed sensing techniques
O Kerdjidj, K Ghanem, A Amira, F Harizi, F Chouireb
2014 26th international conference on microelectronics (ICM), 112-115, 2014
Visual path following by an omnidirectional mobile robot using 2d visual servoing
F Safia, C Fatima
2017 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering-Boumerdes (ICEE …, 2017
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مقاله‌ها 1–20