دنبال کردن
Iim Halimatusa'diyah
Iim Halimatusa'diyah
ایمیل تأیید شده در uinjkt.ac.id
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Zakat and social protection: the relationship between socio-religious CSOs and the government in Indonesia
I HalimatusA'Diyah
Journal of Civil Society 11 (1), 79-99, 2015
‘Weak winners’ of Women's empowerment: The gendered effects of dairy livestock assets on time poverty in Uganda
C Bain, E Ransom, I Halimatusa'diyah
Journal of Rural Studies 61, 100-109, 2018
Beragama di Dunia Maya: Media Sosial dan Pandangan Keagamaan di Indonesia
I Halimatusa’diyah, T Sutanto, EA Garadian, AN Jannah, FI Fauzy, ...
PPIM UIN Jakarta. https://ppim. uinjkt. ac. id/download/beragama-di-dunia …, 2020
Dairy livestock interventions for food security in Uganda: what are the implications for women's empowerment?
C Bain, E Ransom, I Halimatusa’diyah
Rural Sociology 85 (4), 991-1020, 2020
Moral injury and the struggle for recognition of women living with HIV/AIDS in Indonesia
I Halimatusa’diyah
International Sociology 34 (6), 696-715, 2019
Livestock-livelihood linkages in Uganda: the benefits for women and rural households?
E Ransom, C Bain, I Halimatusa'Diyah
Journal of Rural Social Sciences 32 (2), 3, 2017
Shari'a and regional governance in Indonesia: a study of four provinces.
J Makruf, I Halimatussa'diyah
Australian Journal of Asian Law 15 (1), 14p, 2014
Does gender blindness improve gender equality? female judges and the glass ceiling effect in the Islamic Judicial System in Indonesia
A Kholiq, I Halimatusa’diyah
Social & Legal Studies 32 (1), 139-158, 2023
Politik Syariat Islam: Ideologi dan Pragmatisme
MZ Mubarak, I Halimatusa'diyah
LP3ES, 2018
Gender, political dynasties, and committee assignments: Evidence from Indonesia
E Prihatini, I Halimatusa’diyah
Parliamentary Affairs 77 (1), 196-214, 2024
Being Shi'ite women in Indonesia's Sunni-populated community: Roles and relations among themselves and with others
I Halimatusa'diyah
South East Asia Research 21 (1), 131-150, 2013
Sexism and women's access to justice: Feminist judging in Indonesian Islamic judiciary
I Halimatusa’diyah, W Triana
Women's Studies International Forum 103, 102883, 2024
Young voters and political participation in Indonesia: Revisiting a marriage gap
I Halimatusa'diyah, E Prihatini
Social Science Quarterly 102 (6), 2552-2564, 2021
Framing COVID-19 by an anglophone newspaper outlet
E Prihatini, I Halimatusa’diyah
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 729 (1), 012117, 2021
Does local government proliferation reduce maternal mortality? Evidence from Indonesian sub‐national government
I Halimatusa’diyah
Asian Politics & Policy 12 (4), 592-616, 2020
Kebijakan Deradikalisasi Di Perguruan Tinggi: Studi Tentang Efektifitas Kebijakan Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Mencegah Perkembangan Paham Keagamaan Radikal Di Kalangan Mahasiswa …
MZ Mubarak, Z Zulkifli, I Halimatussa’diyah
Istiqro 16 (01), 1-28, 2018
Do religious people have more children? The effect of religious affiliation and religiosity on fertility
I Halimatusa'diyah, D Toyibah
Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS] 29, 479-499, 2021
Decentralization and Hydropolitics: Water Conflict in Indonesia
I Halimatusa'diyah
Jurnal Demokrasi dan HAM, 2013
COVID-19 tiba di Indonesia, riset: penolakan vaksinasi menurun drastis saat wabah terjadi
I Halimatusa'diyah
https://theconversation.com/covid-19-tiba-di-indonesia-riset-penolakan …, 2020
Examining Muslim Tolerance Toward Ordinary Non-Muslims: Social, Religious, and Political Tolerance in Indonesia
H Prasetyo, I Halimatusa’diyah
International Journal of Sociology 54 (2), 112-131, 2024
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مقاله‌ها 1–20