دنبال کردن
John Kertesz
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Piloting teacher education practicum partnerships: Teaching alliances for professional practice (TAPP)
J Kertesz, J Downing
Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online) 41 (12), 13-24, 2016
Learning the words: Supervising teachers and the language of impact in an initial teacher education programme
PD Brett, N Fitzallen, S Kilpatrick, C Morrison, B Reynolds, J Kertesz, ...
Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online) 43 (8), 105-122, 2018
Three key conditions to revitialise an ePortfolio program in response to increasing regulation of teacher education
JL Kertesz
Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online) 41 (8), 102-117, 2016
U-Map: Beyond curriculum mapping
J Kertesz
University of Tasmania, 2015
Evidencing the Impact of Pre-Service Teachers: Shifting the Conversation.
P Brett, S Kilpatrick, N Fitzallen, C Mainsbridge, B Reynolds, J Kertesz, ...
Australian Association for Research in Education, 2016
Defining and designing impact consciousness in teacher education
JL Kertesz, P Brett
Teaching Education 31 (4), 363-380, 2020
A comparative study of urban, rural and remote teachers’ de-privatised practices
PP Mohan, K Swabey, J Kertesz
Waikato Journal of Education 24 (2), 83-94, 2019
Evaluation and professional development practices in Tasmanian high schools
JL Kertesz
University of Tasmania, 2007
Possibilities and Challenges of De-privatisation of Classrooms in a Developing Nation
PP Mohan, K Swabey, J Kertesz
Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online) 44 (11), 1-17, 2019
The State of Asian Languages in Tasmania: Reporting on the views of teachers and students
J Kertesz
University of Tasmania, 2011
Integrating digital curriculum mapping and eportfolios to better respond to stricter initial teacher education accreditation requirements
J Kertesz
University of Tasmania, 2018
Sharing Practice Peer Learning Circle (PLC) 360 Curriculum
R Nash, JA Kelder, E Ennever, AM Williams, EC De Silva, J Kertesz, ...
University of Tasmania, 2013
Australian Journal of Teacher Educatio n
PD Brett, N Fitzallen, S Kilpatrick, C Morrison, B Reynolds, J Kertesz, ...
Don’t bolt on; build in!–Scaling up your portfolio perspective to respond strategically to pressures to evidence graduate competency
J Kertesz
Walk in my shoes
J Kertesz
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مقاله‌ها 1–15