مقالههای دارای تعهدات انتشار عمومی - Graham Jewittبیشتر بدانید
جای دیگری دردسترس است: ۱۸
The development of the water-energy-food nexus as a framework for achieving resource security: a review
GB Simpson, GPW Jewitt
Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 8, 2019
تعهدات: National Research Foundation, South Africa
Mapping ecosystem services across scales and continents–A review
R Malinga, LJ Gordon, G Jewitt, R Lindborg
Ecosystem Services 13, 57-63, 2015
تعهدات: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
A sweet deal? Sugarcane, water and agricultural transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa
TM Hess, J Sumberg, T Biggs, M Georgescu, D Haro-Monteagudo, ...
Global environmental change 39, 181-194, 2016
تعهدات: US National Science Foundation, UK Natural Environment Research Council
Using participatory scenario planning to identify ecosystem services in changing landscapes
R Malinga, LJ Gordon, R Lindborg, G Jewitt
Ecology and Society 18 (4), 2013
تعهدات: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
The water-energy-food nexus in the anthropocene: moving from ‘nexus thinking’to ‘nexus action’
GB Simpson, GPW Jewitt
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 40, 117-123, 2019
تعهدات: National Research Foundation, South Africa
Competition for land: The water-energy-food nexus and coal mining in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa
GB Simpson, J Badenhorst, GPW Jewitt, M Berchner, E Davies
Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 86, 2019
تعهدات: National Research Foundation, South Africa
Streamflow droughts aggravated by human activities despite management
AF Van Loon, S Rangecroft, G Coxon, M Werner, N Wanders, ...
Environmental Research Letters 17 (4), 044059, 2022
تعهدات: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, European Commission
Annual water, sediment, nutrient, and organic carbon fluxes in river basins: A global meta‐analysis as a function of scale
M Mutema, V Chaplot, G Jewitt, P Chivenge, G Blöschl
Water Resources Research 51 (11), 8949-8972, 2015
تعهدات: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission
Degradation of Kilombero valley Ramsar wetlands in Tanzania
S Munishi, G Jewitt
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts a/b/c 112, 216-227, 2019
تعهدات: National Research Foundation, South Africa
Understanding gender differences in availability, accessibility and use of climate information among smallholder farmers in Malawi
R Henriksson, K Vincent, E Archer, G Jewitt
Climate and Development 13 (6), 503-514, 2021
تعهدات: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Department of …
Lake Malawi’s threshold behaviour: A stakeholder-informed model to simulate sensitivity to climate change
AG Bhave, L Bulcock, S Dessai, D Conway, G Jewitt, AJ Dougill, ...
Journal of Hydrology 584, 124671, 2020
تعهدات: Department of International Development, UK, UK Natural Environment Research …
Measurement and modelling of evaporation from a coastal wetland in Maputaland, South Africa
AD Clulow, CS Everson, MG Mengistu, C Jarmain, GPW Jewitt, JS Price, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (9), 3233-3247, 2012
تعهدات: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Improving crop yield and water productivity by ecological sanitation and water harvesting in South Africa
JCM Andersson, AJB Zehnder, B Wehrli, GPW Jewitt, KC Abbaspour, ...
Environmental science & technology 47 (9), 4341-4348, 2013
تعهدات: Swiss National Science Foundation
On the other side of the ditch
RH Malinga, GPW Jewitt, R Lindborg, E Andersson, LJ Gordon
Ecology and Society 23 (4), 2018
تعهدات: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Emerging themes and future directions of multi-sector nexus research and implementation
Z Khan, E Abraham, S Aggarwal, M Ahmad Khan, R Arguello, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 918085, 2022
تعهدات: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Extending periodic eddy covariance latent heat fluxes through tree sap-flow measurements to estimate long-term total evaporation in a peat swamp forest
AD Clulow, CS Everson, MG Mengistu, JS Price, A Nickless, GPW Jewitt
Hydrology and earth system sciences 19 (5), 2513-2534, 2015
تعهدات: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Extending periodic eddy covariance latent heat fluxes through tree sapflow measurements to estimate long-term total evaporation in a peat swamp forest
A Clulow, C Everson, MG Mengistu, J Price, A Nickless, G Jewitt
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 11 (12), 2014
تعهدات: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
A geospatial web-based integrative analytical tool for the water-energy-food nexus: the iWEF 1.0
C Taguta, L Nhamo, Z Kiala, T Bangira, TL Dirwai, A Senzanje, ...
Frontiers in Water 5, 1305373, 2023
تعهدات: CGIAR
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