Opening spaces: Writing technologies and critical research practices P Sullivan, JE Porter (No Title), 1997 | 495 | 1997 |
Playfulness as mediation in communicative language teaching in a Vietnamese classroom P Sullivan Sociocultural theory and second language learning, 115-131, 2000 | 405 | 2000 |
Institutional critique: A rhetorical methodology for change JE Porter, P Sullivan, S Blythe, JT Grabill, L Miles College Composition & Communication 51 (4), 610-642, 2000 | 365 | 2000 |
Using Interactive Video to Develop Preservice Teachers' Classroom Awareness P Fadde, P Sullivan CITE Journal (Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education) 13 (2), 2013 | 151 | 2013 |
Beyond a narrow conception of usability testing P Sullivan IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 32 (4), 256-264, 1989 | 150 | 1989 |
Remapping curricular geography: Professional writing in/and English PA Sullivan, JE Porter Journal of business and technical communication 7 (4), 389-422, 1993 | 135 | 1993 |
The use of discourse analysis to enhance ESP teacher knowledge: An example using aviation English P Sullivan, H Girginer English for specific purposes 21 (4), 397-404, 2002 | 127 | 2002 |
Ethnography and the Problem of the ‘Other.’ PA Sullivan Ethics and representation in qualitative studies of literacy, 97-114, 1996 | 124 | 1996 |
Women on the networks: Searching for e-spaces of their own GE Hawisher, P Sullivan Feminism and composition studies: In other words, 172-197, 1998 | 100 | 1998 |
Fleeting images: Women visually writing the Web GE Hawisher, PA Sullivan Passions, pedagogies, and 21st century technologies, 268-291, 1999 | 98 | 1999 |
and 1992 Con. GHMRS Sullivan Ewing sounds alarm on higher education. The Ruston Daily j Leader 95 (280), 1, 1994 | 82* | 1994 |
Qualitative research in technical communication: Issues of value, identity, and use P Sullivan, R Spilka Technical Communication, 592-606, 1992 | 76* | 1992 |
Spoken artistry: Performance in a foreign language classroom PN Sullivan Second and foreign language learning through classroom interaction, 73-90, 2000 | 74 | 2000 |
On theory, practice, and method: Toward a heuristic research methodology for professional writing P Sullivan, JE Porter Writing in the workplace: New research perspectives, 220-237, 1993 | 71 | 1993 |
Taking control of the page: Electronic writing and word publishing P Sullivan Evolving perspectives on computers and composition studies: Questions for …, 1990 | 67 | 1990 |
Electronic Literacies in the Workplace: Technologies of Writing. Advances in Computers and Composition Studies Series. P Sullivan, J Dautermann National Council of Teachers of English, 1111 W. Kenyon Road, Urbana, IL …, 1996 | 65 | 1996 |
Practicing safe visual rhetoric on the World Wide Web P Sullivan Computers and composition 18 (2), 103-121, 2001 | 55 | 2001 |
From the margins to the center: Contemporary women and political communication PA Sullivan, LH Turner (No Title), 1996 | 52 | 1996 |
Revising the myth of the independent scholar PA Sullivan Writing with: New directions in collaborative teaching, learning, and …, 1994 | 51 | 1994 |
Lean technical communication: Toward sustainable program innovation MA Johnson, WM Simmons, P Sullivan Routledge, 2017 | 47 | 2017 |