Incorporating human factors into a simplified “bow-tie” approach for workplace risk assessment A Targoutzidis Safety science 48 (2), 145-156, 2010 | 55 | 2010 |
The business case for safety and health at work: Cost-benefit analyses of interventions in small and medium-sized enterprises A Targoutzidis Bilbao: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2014 | 51 | 2014 |
The impact of socio-demographic factors and political perceptions on consumer attitudes towards genetically modified foods: An econometric investigation L Antonopoulou, CT Papadas, A Targoutzidis Agricultural Economics Review 10 (2), 89-103, 2009 | 27 | 2009 |
Some adjustments to the human capital and the friction cost methods A Targoutzidis The European Journal of Health Economics 19 (9), 1225-1228, 2018 | 15 | 2018 |
Restructuring seriously damages well-being of workers: The case of the restructuring programme in local administration in Greece T Koukoulaki, D Pinotsi, P Georgiadou, A Daikou, K Zorba, A Targoutzidis, ... Safety science 100, 30-36, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
The impact of the economic cycle on fatal injuries. The case of UK 1971–2007 AM Mouza, A Targoutzidis Quality & Quantity 46 (6), 1917-1929, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
The effect of the economic cycle on workplace accidents in six European countries AM Mouza, A Targoutzıdıs Ege Academic Review 10 (1), 1-13, 2010 | 12 | 2010 |
The Business Case for Safety and Health at Work: Cost-Benefit Analyses of Interventions in Small and Medium–Sized Enterprises–Study A Targoutzidis, T Koukoulaki, E Schmitz-Felten, K Kuhl, KMO Hengel, ... Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg: https://publications …, 2014 | 9 | 2014 |
A Monte Carlo simulation for the assessment of Bayesian updating in dynamic systems A Targoutzidis Reliability Engineering & System Safety 100, 125-132, 2012 | 9 | 2012 |
The effect of new trends of the working environment on workplace risk and its modelling A Targoutzidis, P Karakoltsidis Ege academic review 9 (3), 873-887, 2009 | 9 | 2009 |
A multidimensional approach to modelling for workplace risk assessment A Targoutzidis, L Antonopoulou International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics 15 (4), 373-384, 2009 | 9 | 2009 |
Interference phenomena in temporal evolution of accident probability in workplaces A Targoutzidis, L Antonopoulou Risk analysis 26 (3), 671-682, 2006 | 7 | 2006 |
WOS2008, prevention of occupational accidents in a changing work environment P Swuste, T Koukoulaki, A Targoutzidis Safety Science 48 (8), 933-935, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
An investigation of the economic perspective in modeling occupational risk A Targoutzidis Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 21 (1), 82-88, 2011 | 4 | 2011 |
Occupational Risk in Flexible Forms of Employment in Greece. A TARGOUTZIDIS, S ROBOLIS International Journal of Contemporary Economics & Administrative Sciences 1 (1), 2011 | 3 | 2011 |
The effectiveness of Bayesian updating in dynamic and complex systems A Targoutzidis Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 23 (4), 492-497, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |
Évaluation économique de la prévention pour la santé et la sécurité au travail: la pertinence de l'analyse coût-bénéfice L Antonopoulou, A Targoutzidis Santé publique 22 (1), 23-35, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |
Economic Assessment of Prevention Programs for Occupational Health and Safety: The Pertinence of Cost-Benefit Analysis L Antonopoulou, A Targoutzidis Sante Publique 22 (1), 23-35, 2010 | 2 | 2010 |
SELF-REPORTED BIG DATA FOR GOVERNANCE OF THE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY SYSTEM A Targoutzidis, L Makris IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety 5 (2), 43-58, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
The economics of health and safety at work: a critical review A Targoutzidis IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety 2 (1), 5-16, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |