دنبال کردن
Daniel Chalkley
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Don’t Turn Blind! The Relationship Between Exploration Before Ball Possession and On-Ball Performance in Association Football
TB McGuckian, MH Cole, G Jordet, D Chalkley, GJ Pepping
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2520, 2018
Visual exploration when surrounded by affordances: frequency of head movements is predictive of response speed
TB McGuckian, MH Cole, D Chalkley, G Jordet, GJ Pepping
Ecological Psychology 31 (1), 30-48, 2019
Constraints on visual exploration of youth football players during 11v11 match-play: The influence of playing role, pitch position and phase of play
TB McGuckian, MH Cole, D Chalkley, G Jordet, GJ Pepping
Journal of Sports Sciences 38 (6), 658-668, 2020
Criterion Validity, and Interunit and Between-Day Reliability of the FLEX for Measuring Barbell Velocity During Commonly Used Resistance Training Exercises
J Weakley, D Chalkley, R Johnston, A García-Ramos, A Townshend, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 34 (6), 1519-1524, 2020
The association between visual exploration and passing performance in high-level U13 and U23 football players
TB McGuckian, A Beavan, J Mayer, D Chalkley, GJ Pepping
Science and Medicine in Football 4 (4), 278-284, 2020
The Impact of Constraints on Visual Exploratory Behavior in Football
T McGuckian, G Askew, D Greenwood, D Chalkley, M Cole, GJ Pepping
Studies in Perception and Action XIV: Nineteenth International Conference on …, 2017
Using Microtechnology to Quantify Torso Angle During Match-Play in Field Hockey
GE Warman, MH Cole, RD Johnston, D Chalkley, GJ Pepping
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 33 (10), 2648-2654, 2019
Comparison of Sprint Timing Methods on Performance, and Displacement and Velocity at Timing Initiation
J Weakley, C McCosker, D Chalkley, R Johnston, G Munteanu, ...
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 37 (1), 234-238, 2023
Principles of the Guidance of Exploration for Orientation and Specification of Action
S Van Andel, TB McGuckian, D Chalkley, MH Cole, GJ Pepping
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 13, 231, 2019
Predicting Ball Flight in Cricket from an Umpire's Perspective
D Chalkley, C MacMahon, K Ball
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 8 (3), 445-454, 2013
Development and Validation of a Sensor-Based Algorithm for Detecting the Visual Exploratory Actions
D Chalkley, JB Shepherd, TB McGuckian, GJ Pepping
IEEE sensors letters 2 (2), 1-4, 2018
Gait biofeedback training in people with Parkinson’s disease: a pilot study
K McMaster, MH Cole, D Chalkley, MW Creaby
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 19 (1), 1-9, 2022
Giving Inertial Sensor Data Context for Communication in Applied Settings: An Example of Visual Exploration in Football
TB McGuckian, D Chalkley, J Shepherd, GJ Pepping
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings 2 (6), 234, 2018
Validity and reliability of thoracic-mounted inertial measurement units to derive gait characteristics during running
BJ Horsley, PJ Tofari, SL Halson, JG Kemp, D Chalkley, MH Cole, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 38 (2), 274-282, 2024
Acute effect of traditional and adaptive metronomes on gait variability in older individuals with a history of falls
A Cronström, MH Cole, D Chalkley, S Van Andel, GJ Pepping, ...
Aging clinical and experimental research, 1-8, 2022
Utilising GPS Data to Quantify Torso Range of Motion in Field Hockey Athletes
GE Warman, D Chalkley, MH Cole, GJ Pepping
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings 2 (6), 294, 2018
Understanding the Decision Making Process in Elite Athletes: Using a Psychophysiological Approach to Measure Intuitive Decisions
D Chalkley
La Trobe, 2022
Targeting Rio: Enhancing the Daily Training Environment in Archery Using Technology.
D Chalkley, G Giblin, GJ Pepping
Journal of Fitness Research 5, 2016
The importance of paddling to surfing performance: Insights from elite athletes, coaches, and performance support practitioners
LA MacDonald, D Chalkley, J Parsonage, S Gosney, H Webster, ...
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 19 (6), 2334-2344, 2024
Perceptual-motor expertise in talent transfer: A preliminary investigation of coach and player experiences
C Porter, GJ Pepping, D Chalkley, I Renshaw, AD Gorman
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مقاله‌ها 1–20