دنبال کردن
Hussein Almuallim
Hussein Almuallim
President, FirmSoft Technologies
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نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Learning With Many Irrelevant Features.
H Almuallim, TG Dietterich
AAAI 91, 547-552, 1991
Learning boolean concepts in the presence of many irrelevant features
H Almuallim, TG Dietterich
Artificial intelligence 69 (1-2), 279-305, 1994
A method of recognition of Arabic cursive handwriting
H Almuallim, S Yamaguchi
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 715-722, 1987
Efficient algorithms for identifying relevant features
H Almuallim, TG Dietterich
Proc. of the 9th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38-45, 1991
An efficient algorithm for optimal pruning of decision trees
H Almuallim
Artificial Intelligence 83 (2), 347-362, 1996
Development and applications of decision trees
H Almuallim, S Kaneda, Y Akiba
Expert Systems, 53-77, 2002
On handling tree-structured attributes in decision tree learning
H Almuallim, Y Akiba, S Kaneda
Machine Learning Proceedings 1995, 12-20, 1995
Two methods for learning ALT-J/E translation rules from examples and a semantic hierarchy
I Allmuallim, Y Akiba, T Yamazaki, A Yokoo, S Kaneda
COLING 1994 Volume 1: The 15th International Conference on Computational …, 1994
Strategic scope of alternative optimization methods in history matching and prediction workflows
R Schulze-Riegert, F Chataigner, N Kueck, O Pajonk, J Baffoe, I Ajala, ...
SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference, SPE-164337-MS, 2013
Learning English verb selection rules from hand-made rules and translation examples
Y Akba, M Ishii, H Almuallim, S Kaneda
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues …, 1995
Turning majority voting classifiers into a single decision tree
Y Akiba, S Kaneda, H Almuallim
Proceedings Tenth IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 1998
An efficient algorithm for finding optimal gain-ratio multiple-split tests on hierarchical attributes in decision tree learning
H Almuallim, Y Akiba, S Kaneda
Proceedings of the thirteenth national conference on Artificial intelligence …, 1996
History-Matching With Sensitivity-Based Parameter Modifications at Grid-Block Level
H Almuallim, K Edwards, L Ganzer
SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-131627-MS, 2010
Induction of Japanese-English translation rules from ambiguous examples and a large semantic hierarchy
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 9 (5), 730-740, 1994
A tool for the acquisition of Japanese-English machine translation rules using inductive learning techniques
H Almuallim, Y Akiba, T Yamazaki, A Yokoo, S Kaneda
Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Artificial Intelligence for …, 1994
18 Learning Verb Translation Rules from Ambiguous Examples and Semantic Hierarchy
H Almuallim, Y Akiba, T Yamazaki, S Kaneda
Concept coverage and its application to two learning tasks
HS Almuallim
Oregon State University, 1992
Exploiting symmetry properties in the evaluation of inductive learning algorithms: an empirical domain-independent comparative study
H Almuallim
Dietterich. TG Learning with many irrelevant features
H Almuallim
Proc. of the 9th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 547-552, 0
Computer Assisted History Matching-A Field Example
RH Lind, O Allottai, AM Gaaim, H Almuallim
SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition …, 2013
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مقاله‌ها 1–20