دنبال کردن
Aneesha Suresh Sahu
Aneesha Suresh Sahu
ایمیل تأیید شده در fda.hhs.gov
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Sleep promotes cortical response potentiation following visual experience
SJ Aton, A Suresh, C Broussard, MG Frank
Sleep 37 (7), 1163-1170, 2014
Cortically coordinated NREM thalamocortical oscillations play an essential, instructive role in visual system plasticity
J Durkin, AK Suresh, J Colbath, C Broussard, J Wu, M Zochowski, SJ Aton
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (39), 10485-10490, 2017
Neural population dynamics in motor cortex are different for reach and grasp
AK Suresh, JM Goodman, EV Okorokova, M Kaufman, NG Hatsopoulos, ...
elife 9, e58848, 2020
Assessing altered motor unit recruitment patterns in paretic muscles of stroke survivors using surface electromyography
X Hu, AK Suresh, WZ Rymer, NL Suresh
Journal of neural engineering 12 (6), 066001, 2015
Neural coding of contact events in somatosensory cortex
T Callier, AK Suresh, SJ Bensmaia
Cerebral Cortex 29 (11), 4613-4627, 2019
Postural representations of the hand in the primate sensorimotor cortex
JM Goodman, GA Tabot, AS Lee, AK Suresh, AT Rajan, NG Hatsopoulos, ...
Neuron 104 (5), 1000-1009. e7, 2019
Sleep promotes, and sleep loss inhibits, selective changes in firing rate, response properties and functional connectivity of primary visual cortex neurons
BC Clawson, J Durkin, AK Suresh, EJ Pickup, CG Broussard, SJ Aton
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 12, 40, 2018
Altered motor unit discharge patterns in paretic muscles of stroke survivors assessed using surface electromyography
X Hu, AK Suresh, WZ Rymer, NL Suresh
Journal of neural engineering 13 (4), 046025, 2016
Alterations in the peak amplitude distribution of the surface electromyogram poststroke
X Li, A Suresh, P Zhou, WZ Rymer
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (3), 845-852, 2012
Altered motor unit discharge coherence in paretic muscles of stroke survivors
C Dai, NL Suresh, AK Suresh, WZ Rymer, X Hu
Frontiers in neurology 8, 202, 2017
Sensory computations in the cuneate nucleus of macaques
AK Suresh, CM Greenspon, Q He, JM Rosenow, LE Miller, SJ Bensmaia
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 118 (49), e2115772118, 2021
Impaired motor unit control in paretic muscle post stroke assessed using surface electromyography: a preliminary report
X Hu, AK Suresh, X Li, WZ Rymer, NL Suresh
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2012
Methodological considerations for a chronic neural interface with the cuneate nucleus of macaques
AK Suresh, JE Winberry, C Versteeg, R Chowdhury, T Tomlinson, ...
Journal of Neurophysiology 118 (6), 3271-3281, 2017
Edge orientation signals in tactile afferents of macaques
AK Suresh, HP Saal, SJ Bensmaia
Journal of Neurophysiology 116 (6), 2647-2655, 2016
The effect of contact force on the responses of tactile nerve fibers to scanned textures
HP Saal, AK Suresh, LE Solorzano, AI Weber, SJ Bensmaia
Neuroscience 389, 99-103, 2018
Changes in motoneuron afterhyperpolarization duration in stroke survivors
AK Suresh, X Hu, RK Powers, CJ Heckman, NL Suresh, WZ Rymer
Journal of neurophysiology 112 (6), 1447-1456, 2014
Power Spectral Analysis of Surface EMG in stroke: a preliminary study
S Srivatsan, X Hu, B Jeon, AK Suresh, WZ Rymer, NL Suresh
2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER …, 2013
Modulation of cutaneous responses in the cuneate nucleus of macaques during active movement
Q He, CS Versteeg, AK Suresh, J Rosenow, LE Miller, SJ Bensmaia
bioRxiv, 2021.11. 15.468735, 2021
Alterations in spike amplitude distribution of the surface electromyogram post-stroke
X Li, A Suresh, P Zhou, WZ Rymer
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
Motor unit structural change post stroke examined via surface electromyography: A preliminary report
B Jeon, NL Suresh, AK Suresh, WZ Rymer, X Hu
2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER …, 2013
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20