دنبال کردن
Christian Berggren
Christian Berggren
Professor in Industrial Management, Linkoping University
ایمیل تأیید شده در liu.se - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Alternatives to lean production: Work organization in the Swedish auto industry
C Berggren
Cornell University Press, 1993
Technological discontinuities and the challenge for incumbent firms: Destruction, disruption or creative accumulation?
A Bergek, C Berggren, T Magnusson, M Hobday
Research Policy 42 (6-7), 1210-1224, 2013
Lean production—the end of history?
C Berggren
Work, employment and society 7 (2), 163-188, 1993
Manufacturing firms and integrated solutions: characteristics and implications
C Windahl, P Andersson, C Berggren, C Nehler
European Journal of innovation management 7 (3), 218-228, 2004
Transition pathways revisited: Established firms as multi-level actors in the heavy vehicle industry
C Berggren, T Magnusson, D Sushandoyo
Research policy 44 (5), 1017-1028, 2015
The impact of environmental policy instruments on innovation: A review of energy and automotive industry studies
A Bergek, C Berggren, KITE Research Group
Ecological Economics 106, 112-123, 2014
The Volvo experience: Alternatives to lean production in the Swedish auto industry
C Berggren
(No Title), 1993
NUMMI vs. Uddevalla
C Berggren
Sloan management review 35 (2), 37-45, 1994
Rethinking project management education: Social twists and knowledge co-production
C Berggren, J Söderlund
International Journal of Project Management 26 (3), 286-296, 2008
Coordinating supplier involvement in product development projects: a differentiated coordination typology
N Lakemond, C Berggren, A Van Weele
R&d Management 36 (1), 55-66, 2006
Reducing automotive emissions—The potentials of combustion engine technologies and the power of policy
C Berggren, T Magnusson
Energy Policy 41, 636-643, 2012
Rethinking outsourcing in manufacturing:: A tale of two telecom firms
C Berggren, L Bengtsson
European Management Journal 22 (2), 211-223, 2004
Von Ford zu Volvo: Automobilherstellung in Schweden
C Berggren
(No Title), 1991
Being local worldwide: ABB and the challenge of global management
J Bélanger, C Berggren, T Björkman, C Kähler
Cornell University Press, 2000
Europe's next step: organisational innovation, competition and employment
LE Andreasen
Psychology Press, 1995
Antecedents of firm performance in emerging economies: Business groups, strategy, industry structure, and state support
SF Karabag, C Berggren
Journal of Business Research 67 (10), 2212-2223, 2014
Clients, contractors, and consultants: The consequences of organizational fragmentation in contemporary project environments
C Berggren, J Söderlund, C Anderson
Project Management Journal 32 (3), 39-48, 2001
Knowledge integration and innovation: Critical challenges facing international technology-based firms
C Berggren
Oxford University Press, 2011
‘New production concepts’ in final assembly-the Swedish experience
C Berggren
The Transformation of Work?, 171-203, 1989
Technological capabilities and late shakeouts: industrial dynamics in the advanced gas turbine industry, 1987–2002
A Bergek, F Tell, C Berggren, J Watson
Industrial and Corporate Change 17 (2), 335-392, 2008
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مقاله‌ها 1–20