دنبال کردن
Ziwen Zhao
Ziwen Zhao
South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, MEE
ایمیل تأیید شده در scies.org
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Algae granulation for nutrients uptake and algae harvesting during wastewater treatment
W Cai, Z Zhao, D Li, Z Lei, Z Zhang, DJ Lee
Chemosphere 214, 55-59, 2019
Stability of algal-bacterial granules in continuous-flow reactors to treat varying strength domestic wastewater
JSM Ahmad, W Cai, Z Zhao, Z Zhang, K Shimizu, Z Lei, DJ Lee
Bioresource technology 244, 225-233, 2017
Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production from swine manure through short-term dry anaerobic digestion and its separation from nitrogen and phosphorus resources in the digestate
W Huang, W Huang, T Yuan, Z Zhao, W Cai, Z Zhang, Z Lei, C Feng
Water research 90, 344-353, 2016
Response of algal-bacterial granular system to low carbon wastewater: Focus on granular stability, nutrients removal and accumulation
Z Zhao, X Yang, W Cai, Z Lei, K Shimizu, Z Zhang, M Utsumi, DJ Lee
Bioresource technology 268, 221-229, 2018
Influence of ferrous iron dosing strategy on aerobic granulation of activated sludge and bioavailability of phosphorus accumulated in granules
W Cai, M Jin, Z Zhao, Z Lei, Z Zhang, Y Adachi, DJ Lee
Bioresource Technology Reports 2, 7-14, 2018
Stability and performance of algal-bacterial granular sludge in shaking photo-sequencing batch reactors with special focus on phosphorus accumulation
Z Zhao, S Liu, X Yang, Z Lei, K Shimizu, Z Zhang, DJ Lee, Y Adachi
Bioresource technology 280, 497-501, 2019
Enhanced biosorption of Cr (VI) from synthetic wastewater using algal-bacterial aerobic granular sludge: Batch experiments, kinetics and mechanisms
X Yang, Z Zhao, Y Yu, K Shimizu, Z Zhang, Z Lei, DJ Lee
Separation and Purification Technology 251, 117323, 2020
Enhanced hydrolysis of waste activated sludge for methane production via anaerobic digestion under N2-nanobubble water addition
X Yang, J Nie, D Wang, Z Zhao, M Kobayashi, Y Adachi, K Shimizu, Z Lei, ...
Science of the Total Environment 693, 133524, 2019
Effective ammonia recovery from swine excreta through dry anaerobic digestion followed by ammonia stripping at high total solids content
W Huang, Z Zhao, T Yuan, Z Lei, W Cai, H Li, Z Zhang
Biomass and Bioenergy 90, 139-147, 2016
Insight into Cr (VI) biosorption onto algal-bacterial granular sludge: Cr (VI) bioreduction and its intracellular accumulation in addition to the effects of environmental factors
X Yang, Z Zhao, G Zhang, S Hirayama, B Van Nguyen, Z Lei, K Shimizu, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 414, 125479, 2021
Response and recovery of mature algal-bacterial aerobic granular sludge to sudden salinity disturbance in influent wastewater: Granule characteristics and nutrients removal …
X Dong, Z Zhao, X Yang, Z Lei, K Shimizu, Z Zhang, DJ Lee
Bioresource Technology 321, 124492, 2021
Coupling hydrothermal treatment with stripping technology for fast ammonia release and effective nitrogen recovery from chicken manure
W Huang, T Yuan, Z Zhao, XI Yang, W Huang, Z Zhang, Z Lei
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 4 (7), 3704-3711, 2016
Cr (VI) bioremediation by active algal-bacterial aerobic granular sludge: Importance of microbial viability, contribution of microalgae and fractionation of loaded Cr
X Yang, Z Zhao, B Van Nguyen, S Hirayama, C Tian, Z Lei, K Shimizu, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 418, 126342, 2021
Insight into efficient phosphorus removal/recovery from enhanced methane production of waste activated sludge with chitosan-Fe supplementation
B Zhang, Z Zhao, N Chen, C Feng, Z Lei, Z Zhang
Water Research 187, 116427, 2020
Low-temperature hydrothermal pretreatment followed by dry anaerobic digestion: A sustainable strategy for manure waste management regarding energy recovery and nutrients …
W Huang, Z Zhao, T Yuan, W Huang, Z Lei, Z Zhang
Waste Management 70, 255-262, 2017
Algal-bacterial aerobic granule based continuous-flow reactor with effluent recirculation instead of air bubbling: Stability and energy consumption analysis
JSM Ahmad, Z Zhao, Z Zhang, K Shimizu, M Utsumi, Z Lei, DJ Lee, ...
Bioresource Technology Reports 7, 100215, 2019
Enhanced dry anaerobic digestion of swine excreta after organic nitrogen being recovered as soluble proteins and amino acids using hydrothermal technology
W Huang, Z Zhao, T Yuan, Y Yu, W Huang, Z Lei, Z Zhang
Biomass and Bioenergy 108, 120-125, 2018
Effects of different alkalis on hydrolysis of swine manure during dry anaerobic digestion and resultant nutrients availability
T Yuan, W Huang, Z Lei, Z Zhao, Z Zhang
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 123, 138-145, 2017
Simultaneous enhancement on lignin degradation and methane production from anaerobic co-digestion of waste activated sludge and alkaline lignin supplemented with N2-nanobubble …
X Yang, J Nie, Y Wei, Z Zhao, K Shimizu, Z Lei, Z Zhang
Bioresource Technology Reports 11, 100470, 2020
Desorption trials and granular stability of chromium loaded aerobic granular sludge from synthetic domestic wastewater treatment
K Chen, Z Zhao, X Yang, Z Lei, Z Zhang, S Zhang
Bioresource Technology Reports 1, 9-15, 2018
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مقاله‌ها 1–20