دنبال کردن
Joanna Maselko
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
No health without mental health
M Prince, V Patel, S Saxena, M Maj, J Maselko, MR Phillips, A Rahman
The lancet 370 (9590), 859-877, 2007
Positive emotion and health: going beyond the negative.
LS Richman, L Kubzansky, J Maselko, I Kawachi, P Choo, M Bauer
Health psychology 24 (4), 422, 2005
Gender differences in religious practices, spiritual experiences and health: Results from the US General Social Survey
J Maselko, LD Kubzansky
Social science & medicine 62 (11), 2848-2860, 2006
Optimism and pessimism in the context of health: Bipolar opposites or separate constructs?
LD Kubzansky, PE Kubzansky, J Maselko
Personality and social psychology bulletin 30 (8), 943-956, 2004
Maternal depression, women’s empowerment, and parental investment: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial
V Baranov, S Bhalotra, P Biroli, J Maselko
American economic review 110 (3), 824-859, 2020
The neglected ‘m’in MCH programmes–why mental health of mothers is important for child nutrition
A Rahman, V Patel, J Maselko, B Kirkwood
Tropical Medicine & International Health 13 (4), 579-583, 2008
Religious social capital: Its measurement and utility in the study of the social determinants of health
J Maselko, C Hughes, R Cheney
Social science & medicine 73 (5), 759-767, 2011
Women's education and the timing of marriage and childbearing in the next generation: evidence from rural Bangladesh
LM Bates, J Maselko, SR Schuler
Studies in Family Planning 38 (2), 101-112, 2007
Religious service attendance and spiritual well-being are differentially associated with risk of major depression
J Maselko, SE Gilman, S Buka
Psychological medicine 39 (6), 1009-1017, 2009
Mother's affection at 8 months predicts emotional distress in adulthood
J Maselko, L Kubzansky, L Lipsitt, SL Buka
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 65 (7), 621-625, 2011
Effect of an early perinatal depression intervention on long-term child development outcomes: follow-up of the Thinking Healthy Programme randomised controlled trial
J Maselko, S Sikander, S Bhalotra, O Bangash, N Ganga, S Mukherjee, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 2 (7), 609-617, 2015
Why women attempt suicide: the role of mental illness and social disadvantage in a community cohort study in India
J Maselko, V Patel
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 62 (9), 817-822, 2008
Religious service attendance and allostatic load among high-functioning elderly
J Maselko, L Kubzansky, I Kawachi, T Seeman, L Berkman
Psychosomatic Medicine 69 (5), 464-472, 2007
Religious service attendance and major depression: a case of reverse causality?
J Maselko, RD Hayward, A Hanlon, S Buka, K Meador
American journal of epidemiology 175 (6), 576-583, 2012
Socioeconomic status indicators and common mental disorders: evidence from a study of prenatal depression in Pakistan
J Maselko, L Bates, S Bhalotra, JA Gallis, K O’Donnell, S Sikander, ...
SSM-population health 4, 1-9, 2018
Father involvement in the first year of life: Associations with maternal mental health and child development outcomes in rural Pakistan
J Maselko, AK Hagaman, LM Bates, S Bhalotra, P Biroli, JA Gallis, ...
Social Science & Medicine 237, 112421, 2019
Social epidemiology and global mental health: expanding the evidence from high-income to low-and middle-income countries
J Maselko
Current Epidemiology Reports 4, 166-173, 2017
The relationship between responsive caregiving and child outcomes: evidence from direct observations of mother-child dyads in Pakistan
E Scherer, A Hagaman, E Chung, A Rahman, K O’Donnell, J Maselko
BMC public health 19, 1-10, 2019
Using technology to scale-up training and supervision of community health workers in the psychosocial management of perinatal depression: a non-inferiority, randomized …
A Rahman, P Akhtar, SU Hamdani, N Atif, H Nazir, I Uddin, A Nisar, ...
Global Mental Health 6, e8, 2019
The intersection of sex, marital status, and cardiovascular risk factors in shaping stroke incidence: results from the health and retirement study
J Maselko, LM Bates, M Avendaño, MM Glymour
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 57 (12), 2293-2299, 2009
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مقاله‌ها 1–20