دنبال کردن
Liliana Teodorof
Liliana Teodorof
Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development Tulcea
ایمیل تأیید شده در ddni.ro
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Changes in ecosystem services from wetland loss and restoration: An ecosystem assessment of the Danube Delta (1960–2010)
E Gómez-Baggethun, M Tudor, M Doroftei, S Covaliov, A Năstase, ...
Ecosystem services 39, 100965, 2019
Industrial nutrient medium use for yeast selenium preparation
G Marinescu, AG Stoicescu, L Teodorof
The Annals of the University of Dunarea de Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI. Food …, 2011
Heavy Metals Environment Accumulation in Somova—Parches Aquatic Complex from the Danube Delta Area
A Burada, CM Topa, LP Georgescu, L Teodorof, C Nastase, ...
Rev. Chim.-Buchar.-Orig. Ed 66, 48-54, 2015
Trace elements in fish tissue with commercial value of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.
A Burada, L Teodorof, C Despina, D Seceleanu-Odor, M Tudor, O Ibram, ...
Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ) 16 (3), 2017
Heavy metals concentrations in aquatic environment and living organisms in the Danube Delta, Romania
MI Tudor, M Tudor, C David, L Teodorof, D Tudor, O Ibram
Chemicals as Intentional and Accidental Global Environmental Threats, 435-442, 2006
Heavy metals accumulation in plankton and water of four aquatic complexes from Danube Delta area
A Burada, CM Ţopa, LP Georgescu, L Teodorof, C Năstase, ...
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 7 (4), 301-310, 2014
Integrated assessment of surface water quality in Danube River Chilia Branch
L Teodorof, A Ene, A Burada, C Despina, D Seceleanu-Odor, C Trifanov, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (19), 9172, 2021
Report on the accumulation of heavy metals in the feathers of some wetland birds in the Danube delta (Romania)
M Marinov, A Burada, A DoroşEncu, V Alexe, L Teodorof, M Tudor
Rom J Biol-Zool 64, 73-84, 2019
Integrated indices for surface water and sediment quality, according to water framework directive
L Teodorof, A Burada, C Despina, D Seceleanu-Odor, AIM Tudor, O Ibram, ...
J. Environ. Prot. Ecol 17, 42-52, 2016
Danube Delta: Water Management on the Sulina Channel in the frame of environmental sustainability
I Cretescu, Z Kovacs, L Lazar, A Burada, M Sbarcea, L Teodorof, ...
River Deltas Research-Recent Advances, 2021
Decomposition of reed swamp detritus in the Danube Delta: a case study of four eutrophic systems
F Sangiorgio, S Dragan, I Rosati, L Teodorof, M Staras, L Georgescu, ...
Transitional Waters Bulletin 2 (4), 26-27, 2008
Surface water quality indicators of Danube Delta lakes between 2003–2005
L Teodorof, C David, D Tudor, C Năstase
Scientific Annals of DDNI 13, 145-154, 2007
Temporal trends and evolution of heavy metals concentrations in Somova-Parches aquatic complex-last area of the Danube floodplain.
A Burada, L Teodorof, A Ionascu, MC Topa, LP Georgescu, IM Tudor, ...
Development of a Web-based GIS monitoring and environmental assessment system for the Black Sea: application in the Danube Delta area
IN Tziavos, TK Alexandridis, B Aleksandrov, A Andrianopoulos, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 188, 1-16, 2016
Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fish from Dobrudja Aquaculture Farm
L Teodorof, C Nastase, I Anuti
Revista de Chimie (Bucuresti) 60 (11), 1235-1241, 2009
MONITOX international network for monitoring of environmental toxicants and risk assessment in the Black Sea Basin: research and interdisciplinary cooperation dimensions
A Ene, E Zubcov, T Spanos, O Bogdevich, L Teodorof
Sustainable use and protection of animal world in the context of climate …, 2021
Sediments quality assessment in terms of single and integrated indices from Romanian MONITOX network (2019–2020)
T Spanos, O Bogdevich
Analele Universitatii “Dunarea de Jos” din Galati. Fascicola II, matematică …, 2020
Changes in ecosystem services from wetland loss and restoration: An ecosystem assessment of the Danube Delta (1960–2010), Ecosyst. Serv., 39, 100965
E Gómez-Baggethun, M Tudor, M Doroftei, S Covaliov, A Nastase, ...
Analysis of biological indicators related to the surface water quality in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.
M Tudor, IM Tudor, O Ibram, L Teodorof, C Nastase, GY Deak
Mercury levels in fish tissues with and without commercial value from Danube delta Biosphere reserve.
A Burada, DS Odor, L Teodorof, C Nastase, A Nastase, I Navodaru, ...
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مقاله‌ها 1–20