دنبال کردن
Diego S Carrió
Diego S Carrió
Marie-Sklodowska Curie Postdoc Fellow. Physics Department. University of the Balearic Islands
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نقل شده توسط
Coastal Impacts of Storm Gloria (January 2020) over the Northwestern Mediterranean
A Amores, M Marcos, DS Carrió, L Gómez-Pujol
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2020
Tropicalization process of the 7 November 2014 Mediterranean cyclone: Numerical Sensitivity Study
DS Carrió, V Homar, A Jansa, R Romero, MA Picornell
6th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the …, 2017
A comparison of ensemble strategies for flash flood forecasting: The 12 october 2007 case study in Valencia, Spain
A Amengual, DS Carrió, G Ravazzani, V Homar
Journal of Hydrometeorology 18 (4), 1143-1166, 2017
Potential of an EnKF storm-scale data assimilation system over sparse observation regions with complex orography
DS Carrió, V Homar, DM Wheatley
Atmospheric Research 216, 186-206, 2019
Assessing the coastal hazard of Medicane Ianos through ensemble modelling
C Ferrarin, F Pantillon, S Davolio, M Bajo, MM Miglietta, E Avolio, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23 (6), 2273-2287, 2023
Potential of sequential EnKF for the short-range prediction of a maritime severe weather event
DS Carrió, V Homar
Atmospheric Research 178, 426-444, 2016
Diagnosis of a high-impact secondary cyclone during HyMeX-SOP1 IOP18
DS Carrió, V Homar, A Jansà, MA Picornell, J Campins
Atmospheric Research 242, 104983, 2020
The crucial representation of deep convection for the cyclogenesis of medicane Ianos
C Pantillon, F., Davolio, S., Avolio, E., Calvo-Sancho, C., Carrió, D. S ...
Weather and Climate Dynamic, 2024
The sequence of heavy precipitation and flash flooding of 12 and 13 September 2019 in Eastern Spain. Part II: A hydrometeorological predictability analysis based on convection …
A Amengual, A Hermoso, DS Carrió, V Homar
Journal of Hydrometeorology 22 (8), 2153-2177, 2021
Exploring the benefits of a Hi-EnKF system to forecast an extreme weather event. The 9th October 2018 catastrophic flash flood in Mallorca
DS Carrió, A Jansà, V Homar, R Romero, T Rigo, C Ramis, A Hermoso, ...
Atmospheric Research 265, 105917, 2022
Empirical determination of the covariance of forecast errors: An empirical justification and reformulation of hybrid covariance models
DS Carrió, CH Bishop, S Kotsuki
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 147 (736), 2033-2052, 2021
Improving the predictability of the Qendresa Medicane by the assimilation of conventional and atmospheric motion vector observations. Storm-scale analysis and short-range forecast
DS Carrió
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2023
On the role of air-sea-wave interaction in developing destructive Tropical-Like Cyclones DANIEL
A Ricchi, R Ferretti, F Pantillon, S Dafis, DSC Carrió
Plinius18, 2024
A model intercomparison project to improve predictions of Mediterranean cyclones
F Pantillon, S Davolio, E Avolio, et al. D. S. Carrió
IUGG2023: Diagnosis and Reducing Errors and Biases in Weather and Climate Models, 2024
High-Resolution Data Assimilation for Two Maritime Extreme Weather Events: A comparison between 3DVar and EnKF.
DS Carrió, V Mazzarella, R Ferretti
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2024
An Ensemble Forecasting Alternative Based on Stochastic Parameter Perturbation (SPP) on Potential Vorticity Anomalies through the Identification of Weather Features as Coherent …
P Patlakas, DS Carrió, E Flaounas
Environmental Sciences Proceedings 26 (1), 110, 2023
Assimilation of near bound variables
C Bishop, DS Carrió, D Sherlock
IUGG2023: Data Assimilation and Statistical Learning in Earth and Space Sciences, 2023
Assimilation of Doubly Bounded Variables with the Beta-Binomial Variation on the EnKF
D Sherlock, CH Bishop, DSC Carrio
103rd AMS Annual Meeting, 2023
A New Localization Method for Non-Gaussian Variations of the EnKF: The Ensemble Squeeze Localization
DSC Carrio, CH Bishop
103rd AMS Annual Meeting, 2023
Pronóstico probabilístico para un caso de estudio de una supercelda en las Sierras de Córdoba Argentina
M Álvarez Imaz, ME Dillon, P Salio, L Fita, DS Carrió Carrió
Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos, 2023
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20