Forages, cover crops and related shoot and root additions in no-till rotations to C sequestration in a subtropical Ferralsol NZ dos Santos, J Dieckow, C Bayer, R Molin, N Favaretto, V Pauletti, ... Soil and Tillage Research 111 (2), 208-218, 2011 | 128 | 2011 |
Gypsum amendment and exchangeable calcium and magnesium affecting phosphorus and nitrogen in runoff N Favaretto, LD Norton, BC Joern, SM Brouder Soil Science Society of America Journal 70 (5), 1788-1796, 2006 | 125 | 2006 |
Dairy liquid manure and no-tillage: Physical and hydraulic properties and carbon stocks in a Cambisol of Southern Brazil JE Mellek, J Dieckow, VL Da Silva, N Favaretto, V Pauletti, FM Vezzani, ... Soil and Tillage Research 110 (1), 69-76, 2010 | 108 | 2010 |
Settling velocity, aggregate stability, and interrill erodibility of soils varying in clay mineralogy JM Reichert, LD Norton, N Favaretto, C Huang, E Blume Soil Science Society of America Journal 73 (4), 1369-1377, 2009 | 76 | 2009 |
Phosphorus loss by surface runoff in no-till system under mineral and organic fertilization OJ Bertol, NE Rizzi, N Favaretto, MC Lana Scientia Agricola 67, 71-77, 2010 | 59 | 2010 |
Phosphorus mobility and degree of saturation in Oxisol under no-tillage after long-term dairy liquid manure application FY Abboud, N Favaretto, ACV Motta, G Barth, GD Goularte Soil and Tillage Research 177, 45-53, 2018 | 58 | 2018 |
Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching as affected by gypsum amendment and exchangeable calcium and magnesium N Favaretto, LD Norton, CT Johnston, J Bigham, M Sperrin Soil Science Society of America Journal 76 (2), 575-585, 2012 | 54 | 2012 |
Manure application at long-term in no-till: effects on runoff, sediment and nutrients losses in high rainfall events JA Zanon, N Favaretto, GD Goularte, J Dieckow, G Barth Agricultural Water Management 228, 105908, 2020 | 51 | 2020 |
Chumbo e zinco em águas e sedimentos de área de mineração e metalurgia de metais VF Melo, M Andrade, AH Batista, N Favaretto, MT Grassi, MS Campos Química nova 35, 22-29, 2012 | 49 | 2012 |
Perda de água, solo e fósforo com aplicação de dejeto líquido bovino em Latossolo sob plantio direto e com chuva simulada HF Mori, N Favaretto, V Pauletti, J Dieckow, WL Santos Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 33, 189-198, 2009 | 49 | 2009 |
Gypsum amendment and exchangeable calcium and magnesium effects on plant nutrition under conditions of intensive nutrient extraction N Favaretto, LD Norton, SM Brouder, BC Joern Soil Science 173 (2), 108-118, 2008 | 43 | 2008 |
Soil physical quality under long-term integrated agricultural production systems DM do Nascimento, KMV Cavalieri-Polizeli, AH da Silva, N Favaretto, ... Soil and Tillage Research 186, 292-299, 2019 | 42 | 2019 |
Tillage system and time post-liquid dairy manure: effects on runoff, sediment and nutrients losses VF Cherobim, CH Huang, N Favaretto Agricultural Water Management 184, 96-103, 2017 | 39 | 2017 |
Quality of surface water related to land use: a case study in a catchment with small farms and intensive vegetable crop production in southern Brazil KH Ribeiro, N Favaretto, J Dieckow, LCP Souza, JPG Minella, L Almeida, ... Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 38, 656-668, 2014 | 36 | 2014 |
Fragilidade ambiental nos picos Camacuã, Camapuã e Tucum, Campina Grande do Sul, PR Y Vashchenko, N Favaretto, D Biondi Revista Floresta 37 (2), 201-215, 2007 | 35 | 2007 |
Atributos físicos do solo e escoamento superficial como indicadores de serviços ambientais. H SILVA, N Favaretto, KMV Cavalieri, J Dieckow, FM Vezzani, LM Parron, ... | 31 | 2015 |
Perdas de nitrogênio via superfície e subsuperfície em sistema de semeadura direta. OJ Bertol, NE Rizzi, N Favaretto, OJ Lavoranti Floresta, Curitiba, v. 35, n. 3, p. 429-442, set./dez. 2005., 2005 | 31 | 2005 |
Esterco líquido de bovinos leiteiros combinado com adubação mineral sobre atributos químicos de um Latossolo Bruno JCPM Silva, ACV Motta, V Pauletti, N Favaretto, M Barcellos, AS Oliveira, ... Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 32, 2563-2572, 2008 | 30 | 2008 |
Long‐term surface application of dairy liquid manure to soil under no‐till improves carbon and nitrogen stocks JS Cavalcante, N Favaretto, J Dieckow, VF Cherobim, G Barth European Journal of Soil Science 71 (6), 1132-1143, 2020 | 29 | 2020 |
Perdas de nutrientes via subsuperfície em colunas de solo sob fertilização mineral e orgânica RP Piovesan, N Favaretto, V Pauletti, ACV Motta, CB Reissmann Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 33, 757-766, 2009 | 28 | 2009 |