دنبال کردن
Estella Atekwana
Estella Atekwana
College of Letters and Science, University of California, Davis
ایمیل تأیید شده در ucdavis.edu
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Investigations of geoelectrical signatures at a hydrocarbon contaminated site
EA Atekwana, WA Sauck, DD Werkema Jr
Journal of applied Geophysics 44 (2-3), 167-180, 2000
The relationship of total dissolved solids measurements to bulk electrical conductivity in an aquifer contaminated with hydrocarbon
EA Atekwana, EA Atekwana, RS Rowe, DD Werkema Jr, FD Legall
Journal of Applied Geophysics 56 (4), 281-294, 2004
Biogeophysics: A new frontier in Earth science research
EA Atekwana, LD Slater
Reviews of Geophysics 47 (4), 2009
High conductivities associated with an LNAPL plume imaged by integrated geophysical techniques
WA Sauck
J. Environ. Engng. Geophys. 2, 203-212, 1998
Geophysical signatures of microbial activity at hydrocarbon contaminated sites: a review
EA Atekwana, EA Atekwana
Surveys in Geophysics 31, 247-283, 2010
Rift kinematics during the incipient stages of continental extension: Evidence from the nascent Okavango rift basin, northwest Botswana
MP Modisi, EA Atekwana, AB Kampunzu, TH Ngwisanyi
Geology 28 (10), 939-942, 2000
Effects of microbial processes on electrolytic and interfacial electrical properties of unconsolidated sediments
GZ Abdel Aal, EA Atekwana, LD Slater, EA Atekwana
Geophysical research letters 31 (12), 2004
Understanding biogeobatteries: Where geophysics meets microbiology
A Revil, CA Mendonça, EA Atekwana, B Kulessa, SS Hubbard, KJ Bohlen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G1), 2010
The microbial community structure in petroleum-contaminated sediments corresponds to geophysical signatures
JP Allen, EA Atekwana, EA Atekwana, JW Duris, DD Werkema, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 73 (9), 2860-2870, 2007
Early structural development of the Okavango rift zone, NW Botswana
BD Kinabo, EA Atekwana, JP Hogan, MP Modisi, DD Wheaton, ...
Journal of African Earth Sciences 48 (2-3), 125-136, 2007
Microbial growth and biofilm formation in geologic media is detected with complex conductivity measurements
CA Davis, E Atekwana, E Atekwana, LD Slater, S Rossbach, MR Mormile
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (18), 2006
Induced-polarization measurements on unconsolidated sediments from a site of active hydrocarbon biodegradation
GZA Aal, LD Slater, EA Atekwana
Geophysics 71 (2), H13-H24, 2006
In-situ apparent conductivity measurements and microbial population distribution at a hydrocarbon-contaminated site
EA Atekwana, DD Werkema Jr, JW Duris, S Rossbach, EA Atekwana, ...
Geophysics 69 (1), 56-63, 2004
Microbial nanowires: Is the subsurface “hardwired”?
D Ntarlagiannis, EA Atekwana, EA Hill, Y Gorby
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (17), 2007
Induced polarization response of porous media with metallic particles—Part 2: Comparison with a broad database of experimental data
A Revil, GZ Abdel Aal, EA Atekwana, D Mao, N Florsch
Geophysics 80 (5), D539-D552, 2015
Investigating the geoelectrical response of hydrocarbon contamination undergoing biodegradation
DD Werkema Jr, EA Atekwana, AL Endres, WA Sauck, DP Cassidy
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (12), 2003
Fault growth and propagation during incipient continental rifting: Insights from a combined aeromagnetic and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital elevation model …
BD Kinabo, JP Hogan, EA Atekwana, MG Abdelsalam, MP Modisi
Tectonics 27 (3), 2008
The effects of LNAPL biodegradation products on electrical conductivity measurements
DP Cassidy, DD Werkema Jr, W Sauck, E Atekwana, S Rossbach, J Duris
Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics 6 (1), 47-52, 2001
Thermal perturbations beneath the incipient Okavango Rift Zone, northwest Botswana
K Leseane, EA Atekwana, KL Mickus, MG Abdelsalam, EM Shemang, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (2), 1210-1228, 2015
Geophysical discovery of a new LNAPL plume at the former Wurtsmith AFB, Oscoda, Michigan
JL Bermejo, WA Sauck, EA Atekwana
Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation 17 (4), 131-137, 1997
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20