Cortical feedback improves discrimination between figure and background by V1, V2 and V3 neurons JM Hupé, AC James, BR Payne, SG Lomber, P Girard, J Bullier Nature 394 (6695), 784-787, 1998 | 1091 | 1998 |
Cross-modal plasticity in specific auditory cortices underlies visual compensations in the deaf SG Lomber, MA Meredith, A Kral Nature neuroscience 13 (11), 1421-1427, 2010 | 565 | 2010 |
Feedback connections act on the early part of the responses in monkey visual cortex JM Hupe, AC James, P Girard, SG Lomber, BR Payne, J Bullier Journal of neurophysiology 85 (1), 134-145, 2001 | 412 | 2001 |
Double dissociation of'what'and'where'processing in auditory cortex SG Lomber, S Malhotra Nature neuroscience 11 (5), 609-616, 2008 | 338 | 2008 |
The advantages and limitations of permanent or reversible deactivation techniques in the assessment of neural function SG Lomber Journal of neuroscience methods 86 (2), 109-117, 1999 | 277 | 1999 |
The cryoloop: an adaptable reversible cooling deactivation method for behavioral or electrophysiological assessment of neural function SG Lomber, BR Payne, JA Horel Journal of neuroscience methods 86 (2), 179-194, 1999 | 262 | 1999 |
Corticocortical feedback contributes to surround suppression in V1 of the alert primate JJ Nassi, SG Lomber, RT Born Journal of Neuroscience 33 (19), 8504-8517, 2013 | 213 | 2013 |
Cortical control of sound localization in the cat: unilateral cooling deactivation of 19 cerebral areas S Malhotra, AJ Hall, SG Lomber Journal of neurophysiology 92 (3), 1625-1643, 2004 | 196 | 2004 |
Removal of two halves restores the whole: reversal of visual hemineglect during bilateral cortical or collicular inactivation in the cat SG Lomber, BR Payne Visual neuroscience 13 (6), 1143-1156, 1996 | 170 | 1996 |
Crossmodal reorganization in the early deaf switches sensory, but not behavioral roles of auditory cortex MA Meredith, J Kryklywy, AJ McMillan, S Malhotra, R Lum-Tai, SG Lomber Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (21), 8856-8861, 2011 | 161 | 2011 |
Impact of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the parietal cortex on metabolic brain activity: a 14C-2DG tracing study in the cat A Valero-Cabré, BR Payne, J Rushmore, SG Lomber, A Pascual-Leone Experimental brain research 163, 1-12, 2005 | 159 | 2005 |
Integrating motion and depth via parallel pathways CR Ponce, SG Lomber, RT Born Nature neuroscience 11 (2), 216-223, 2008 | 136 | 2008 |
Somatosensory and visual crossmodal plasticity in the anterior auditory field of early-deaf cats MA Meredith, SG Lomber Hearing research 280 (1-2), 38-47, 2011 | 135 | 2011 |
The role of feedback in shaping neural representations in cat visual cortex RAW Galuske, KE Schmidt, R Goebel, SG Lomber, BR Payne Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (26), 17083-17088, 2002 | 135 | 2002 |
Reversible deactivation of cerebral network components BR Payne, SG Lomber, AE Villa, J Bullier Trends in neurosciences 19 (12), 535-542, 1996 | 133 | 1996 |
Functional and structural changes throughout the auditory system following congenital and early-onset deafness: implications for hearing restoration BE Butler, SG Lomber Frontiers in systems neuroscience 7, 92, 2013 | 129 | 2013 |
Role of the superior colliculus in analyses of space: superficial and intermediate layer contributions to visual orienting, auditory orienting, and visuospatial discriminations … SG Lomber, BR Payne, P Cornwell Journal of Comparative Neurology 441 (1), 44-57, 2001 | 127 | 2001 |
Reconstructing functional systems after lesions of cerebral cortex BR Payne, SG Lomber Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2 (12), 911-919, 2001 | 121 | 2001 |
Reversible visual hemineglect. BR Payne, SG Lomber, S Geeraerts, E Van Der Gucht, E Vandenbussche Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (1), 290-294, 1996 | 111 | 1996 |
Sound localization during homotopic and heterotopic bilateral cooling deactivation of primary and nonprimary auditory cortical areas in the cat S Malhotra, SG Lomber Journal of Neurophysiology 97 (1), 26-43, 2007 | 107 | 2007 |