دنبال کردن
Stefan Mashkevich, Стефан Машкевич
Stefan Mashkevich, Стефан Машкевич
Kiev University
ایمیل تأیید شده در mashke.org
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Optimization of algorithms for ion mobility calculations
AA Shvartsburg, SV Mashkevich, ES Baker, RD Smith
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111 (10), 2002-2010, 2007
Critical behaviour of SU (2) lattice gauge theory. A complete analysis with the χ2-method
J Engels, S Mashkevich, T Scheideler, G Zinovjev
Physics Letters B 365 (1-4), 219-224, 1996
Superfluid Bose Liquid with a Suppressed BEC and an Intensive Pair Coherent Condensate as a Model of
EA Pashitskii, SV Mashkevich, SI Vilchynskyy
Physical review letters 89 (7), 075301, 2002
Feasibility of higher-order differential ion mobility separations using new asymmetric waveforms
AA Shvartsburg, SV Mashkevich, RD Smith
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110 (8), 2663-2673, 2006
Incorporation of thermal rotation of drifting ions into mobility calculations: drastic effect for heavier buffer gases
AA Shvartsburg, SV Mashkevich, KWM Siu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 104 (42), 9448-9453, 2000
Magnetic moment and perturbation theory with singular magnetic fields
A Comtet, S Mashkevich, S Ouvry
Physical Review D 52 (4), 2594, 1995
Exact solutions of a many-anyon problem
SV Mashkevich
International Journal of Modern Physics A 7 (32), 7931-7942, 1992
On the Structure of the Superfluid State and Quasiparticle Spectrum in a Bose Liquid with a Suppressed Bose–Einstein Condensate
EA Pashitskii, SV Mashkevich, SI Vilchynskyy
Journal of low temperature physics 134 (3), 851-879, 2004
The third virial coefficient of anyons revisited
S Mashkevich, J Myrheim, K Olaussen
Physics Letters B 382 (1-2), 124-130, 1996
The nature of the three-anyon wave functions
S Mashkevich, J Myrheim, K Olaussen, R Rietman
Physics Letters B 348 (3-4), 473-480, 1995
«Царь и народ: вот формула нашего времени». О взглядах НЕ Маркова в 1930-е гг
АА Иванов, СВ Машкевич, АС Пученков
Новейшая история России, 140-156, 2014
Finite-size anyons and perturbation theory
S Mashkevich
Physical Review D 54 (10), 6537, 1996
Towards the exact spectrum of the three-anyon problem
SV Mashkevich
Physics Letters B 295 (3-4), 233-236, 1992
Area distribution of two-dimensional random walks on a square lattice
S Mashkevich, S Ouvry
Journal of Statistical Physics 137, 71-78, 2009
Triality and the grand canonical ensemble in QCD
M Faber, O Borisenko, S Mashkevich, G Zinovjev
Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements) 1 (42), 484-486, 1995
Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics for multispecies exclusion statistics
SB Isakov, S Mashkevich
Nuclear Physics B 504 (3), 701-718, 1997
Неизвестные страницы биографии НЕ Маркова: по материалам Бахметьевского архива
АА Иванов, СВ Машкевич, АС Пученков
Научный диалог, 30-43, 2013
Exact results for the spectra of bosons and fermions with contact interaction
S Mashkevich, S Matveenko, S Ouvry
Nuclear Physics B 763 (3), 431-444, 2007
Два дня из истории Киева
С Машкевич
Киев: Варто, 2010
Quantum mechanics of a particle with two magnetic impurities
S Mashkevich, J Myrheim, S Ouvry
Physics Letters A 330 (1-2), 41-47, 2004
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20