دنبال کردن
Riccardo Paolini
Riccardo Paolini
UNSW Built Environment
ایمیل تأیید شده در unsw.edu.au
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Passive and active cooling for the outdoor built environment–Analysis and assessment of the cooling potential of mitigation technologies using performance data from 220 large …
M Santamouris, L Ding, F Fiorito, P Oldfield, P Osmond, R Paolini, ...
Solar Energy 154, 14-33, 2017
On the energy impact of urban heat island in Sydney: Climate and energy potential of mitigation technologies
M Santamouris, S Haddad, M Saliari, K Vasilakopoulou, A Synnefa, ...
Energy and Buildings 166, 154-164, 2018
Progress in urban greenery mitigation science–assessment methodologies advanced technologies and impact on cities
M Santamouris, G Ban-Weiss, P Osmond, R Paolini, A Synnefa, C Cartalis, ...
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 24 (8), 638-671, 2018
Heat mitigation technologies can improve sustainability in cities. An holistic experimental and numerical impact assessment of urban overheating and related heat mitigation …
M Santamouris, R Paolini, S Haddad, A Synnefa, S Garshasbi, ...
Energy and Buildings 217, 110002, 2020
Integrated assessment of urban overheating impacts on human life
N Nazarian, ES Krayenhoff, B Bechtel, DM Hondula, R Paolini, J Vanos, ...
Earth's Future 10 (8), e2022EF002682, 2022
Effect of ageing on solar spectral reflectance of roofing membranes: Natural exposure in Roma and Milano and the impact on the energy needs of commercial buildings
R Paolini, M Zinzi, T Poli, E Carnielo, AG Mainini
Energy and Buildings 84, 333-343, 2014
Potential benefits of solar reflective car shells: Cooler cabins, fuel savings and emission reductions
R Levinson, H Pan, G Ban-Weiss, P Rosado, R Paolini, H Akbari
Applied Energy 88 (12), 4343-4357, 2011
Predicting the magnitude and the characteristics of the urban heat island in coastal cities in the proximity of desert landforms. The case of Sydney
GY Yun, J Ngarambe, PN Duhirwe, G Ulpiani, R Paolini, S Haddad, ...
Science of The Total Environment 709, 136068, 2020
Long term self-cleaning and photocatalytic performance of anatase added mortars exposed to the urban environment
MV Diamanti, R Paolini, M Rossini, AB Aslan, M Zinzi, T Poli, ...
Construction and Building Materials 96, 270-278, 2015
On the potential of demand-controlled ventilation system to enhance indoor air quality and thermal condition in Australian school classrooms
S Haddad, A Synnefa, MÁP Marcos, R Paolini, S Delrue, D Prasad, ...
Energy and Buildings 238, 110838, 2021
Urban mitigation and building adaptation to minimize the future cooling energy needs
S Garshasbi, S Haddad, R Paolini, M Santamouris, G Papangelis, ...
Solar Energy 204, 708-719, 2020
Holistic approach to assess co-benefits of local climate mitigation in a hot humid region of Australia
S Haddad, R Paolini, G Ulpiani, A Synnefa, G Hatvani-Kovacs, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 14216, 2020
The hygrothermal performance of residential buildings at urban and rural sites: Sensible and latent energy loads and indoor environmental conditions
R Paolini, A Zani, M MeshkinKiya, VL Castaldo, AL Pisello, F Antretter, ...
Energy and Buildings 152, 792-803, 2017
Can urban heat be mitigated in a single urban street? Monitoring, strategies, and performance results from a real scale redevelopment project
C Bartesaghi-Koc, S Haddad, G Pignatta, R Paolini, D Prasad, ...
Solar Energy 216, 564-588, 2021
Urban overheating and cooling potential in Australia: An evidence-based review
K Yenneti, L Ding, D Prasad, G Ulpiani, R Paolini, S Haddad, ...
Climate 8 (11), 126, 2020
Time series analysis of ambient air-temperature during the period 1970–2016 over Sydney, Australia
I Livada, A Synnefa, S Haddad, R Paolini, S Garshasbi, G Ulpiani, ...
Science of the Total Environment 648, 1627-1638, 2019
Assessment of thermal stress in a street canyon in pedestrian area with or without canopy shading
R Paolini, AG Mainini, T Poli, L Vercesi
Energy Procedia 48, 1570, 2014
Exploring the synergies between urban overheating and heatwaves (HWs) in western Sydney
HS Khan, R Paolini, M Santamouris, P Caccetta
Energies 13 (2), 470, 2020
Self-cleaning building materials: The multifaceted effects of titanium dioxide
R Paolini, D Borroni, MP Pedeferri, MV Diamanti
Construction and Building Materials 182, 126-133, 2018
Analyzing the local and climatic conditions affecting the urban overheating magnitude during the Heatwaves (HWs) in a coastal city: A case study of the greater Sydney region
HS Khan, M Santamouris, R Paolini, P Caccetta, P Kassomenos
Science of The Total Environment 755, 142515, 2021
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مقاله‌ها 1–20