Climate–growth relationships of the dominant tree species from semi-arid savanna woodland in Ethiopia A Gebrekirstos, R Mitlöhner, D Teketay, M Worbes Trees 22, 631-641, 2008 | 150 | 2008 |
Climate seasonality limits leaf carbon assimilation and wood productivity in tropical forests FH Wagner, B Hérault, D Bonal, C Stahl, LO Anderson, TR Baker, ... Biogeosciences 13 (8), 2537-2562, 2016 | 147 | 2016 |
High aboveground carbon stock of African tropical montane forests A Cuni-Sanchez, MJP Sullivan, PJ Platts, SL Lewis, R Marchant, G Imani, ... Nature 596 (7873), 536-542, 2021 | 127 | 2021 |
Cambial growth dynamics and climatic control of different tree life forms in tropical mountain forest in Ethiopia J Krepkowski, A Bräuning, A Gebrekirstos, S Strobl Trees 25, 59-70, 2011 | 123 | 2011 |
Adaptation of five co-occurring tree and shrub species to water stress and its implication in restoration of degraded lands A Gebrekirstos, D Teketay, M Fetene, R Mitlöhner Forest Ecology and Management 229 (1-3), 259-267, 2006 | 115 | 2006 |
Stable carbon isotope ratios in tree rings of co-occurring species from semi-arid tropics in Africa: patterns and climatic signals A Gebrekirstos, M Worbes, D Teketay, M Fetene, R Mitlöhner Global and Planetary Change 66 (3-4), 253-260, 2009 | 108 | 2009 |
Opportunities and applications of dendrochronology in Africa A Gebrekirstos, A Bräuning, U Sass-Klassen, C Mbow Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 6, 48-53, 2014 | 104 | 2014 |
Relationships of stable carbon isotopes, plant water potential and growth: an approach to asses water use efficiency and growth strategies of dry land agroforestry species A Gebrekirstos, M van Noordwijk, H Neufeldt, R Mitlöhner Trees 25, 95-102, 2011 | 93 | 2011 |
Tropical tree growth driven by dry-season climate variability PA Zuidema, F Babst, P Groenendijk, V Trouet, A Abiyu, R Acuña-Soto, ... Nature Geoscience 15 (4), 269-276, 2022 | 87 | 2022 |
Dendrochronology in the dry tropics: the Ethiopian case THG Wils, UGW Sass-Klaassen, Z Eshetu, A Bräuning, A Gebrekirstos, ... Trees 25, 345-354, 2011 | 87 | 2011 |
Tree dieback affects climate change mitigation potential of a dry afromontane forest in northern Ethiopia M Mokria, A Gebrekirstos, E Aynekulu, A Braeuning Forest Ecology and Management 344, 73-83, 2015 | 67 | 2015 |
Pricing rainbow, green, blue and grey water: tree cover and geopolitics of climatic teleconnections M van Noordwijk, S Namirembe, D Catacutan, D Williamson, ... Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 6, 41-47, 2014 | 64 | 2014 |
Trends in tree growth and intrinsic water-use efficiency in the tropics under elevated CO2 and climate change M Rahman, M Islam, A Gebrekirstos, A Bräuning Trees 33, 623-640, 2019 | 63 | 2019 |
Impacts of precipitation variability on the dynamics of a dry tropical montane forest U Hiltner, A Bräuning, A Gebrekirstos, A Huth, R Fischer Ecological Modelling 320, 92-101, 2016 | 57 | 2016 |
Multi‐century tree‐ring precipitation record reveals increasing frequency of extreme dry events in the upper Blue Nile River catchment M Mokria, A Gebrekirstos, A Abiyu, M Van Noordwijk, A Bräuning Global Change Biology 23 (12), 5436-5454, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
Mixed-species allometric equations and estimation of aboveground biomass and carbon stocks in restoring degraded landscape in northern Ethiopia M Mokria, W Mekuria, A Gebrekirstos, E Aynekulu, B Belay, T Gashaw, ... Environmental Research Letters 13 (2), 024022, 2018 | 51 | 2018 |
Stable carbon isotope labeling reveals different carry‐over effects between functional types of tropical trees in an Ethiopian mountain forest J Krepkowski, A Gebrekirstos, O Shibistova, A Bräuning New Phytologist 199 (2), 431-440, 2013 | 50 | 2013 |
Spatial groundwater recharge estimation in Raya basin, Northern Ethiopia: an approach using GIS based water balance model GH Kahsay, T Gebreyohannes, MA Gebremedhin, A Gebrekirstos, ... Sustainable Water Resources Management 5, 961-975, 2019 | 45 | 2019 |
Indigenous ways of environmental protection in Gedeo community, Southern Ethiopia: A socio-ecological perspective Y Maru, A Gebrekirstos, G Haile Cogent Food & Agriculture 6 (1), 1766732, 2020 | 43 | 2020 |
Earlywood and latewood stable carbon and oxygen isotope variations in two pine species in Southwestern China during the recent decades PL Fu, J Grießinger, A Gebrekirstos, ZX Fan, A Bräuning Frontiers in plant science 7, 2050, 2017 | 43 | 2017 |