Collective and reflexive styles of volunteering: A sociological modernization perspective L Hustinx, F Lammertyn Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 14 …, 2003 | 952 | 2003 |
Navigating theories of volunteering: A hybrid map for a complex phenomenon. L Hustinx, RA Cnaan, F Handy Journal for the theory of social behaviour 40 (4), 2010 | 715 | 2010 |
A cross-cultural examination of student volunteering: Is it all about résumé building? F Handy, RA Cnaan, L Hustinx, C Kang, JL Brudney, D Haski-Leventhal, ... Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly 39 (3), 498-523, 2010 | 504 | 2010 |
The third-party model: Enhancing volunteering through governments, corporations and educational institutes D Haski-Leventhal, LCPM Meijs, L Hustinx Journal of Social Policy 39 (1), 139-158, 2010 | 269 | 2010 |
Social and cultural origins of motivations to volunteer: A comparison of university students in six countries L Hustinx, F Handy, RA Cnaan, JL Brudney, AB Pessi, N Yamauchi International sociology 25 (3), 349-382, 2010 | 247 | 2010 |
Individualisation and new styles of youth volunteering: An empirical exploration L Hustinx Voluntary action 3 (2), 57-76, 2001 | 214 | 2001 |
I quit, therefore I am? Volunteer turnover and the politics of self-actualization L Hustinx Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 39 (2), 236-255, 2010 | 212 | 2010 |
Institutionally individualized volunteering: Towards a late modern re-construction L Hustinx Journal of civil society 6 (2), 165-179, 2010 | 166 | 2010 |
Cultural values and volunteering: A cross-cultural comparison of students’ motivation to volunteer in 13 countries H Grönlund, K Holmes, C Kang, RA Cnaan, F Handy, JL Brudney, ... Journal of Academic Ethics 9, 87-106, 2011 | 156 | 2011 |
Monitorial citizens or civic omnivores? Repertoires of civic participation among university students L Hustinx, LCPM Meijs, F Handy, RA Cnaan Youth & society 44 (1), 95-117, 2012 | 145 | 2012 |
The cultural bases of volunteering: Understanding and predicting attitudinal differences between Flemish Red Cross volunteers L Hustinx, F Lammertyn Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly 33 (4), 548-584, 2004 | 122 | 2004 |
All in the eyes of the beholder? Perceptions of volunteering across eight countries LCPM Meijs, F Handy, RA Cnaan, JL Brudney, U Ascoli, S Ranade, ... The values of volunteering: Cross-cultural perspectives, 19-34, 2003 | 118 | 2003 |
One of a kind? Comparing episodic and regular volunteers at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House L Hustinx, D Haski-Leventhal, F Handy International Journal of Volunteer Administration 25 (3), 50-66, 2008 | 104 | 2008 |
Re-embedding volunteering: In search of a new collective ground L Hustinx, LCPM Meijs Voluntary Sector Review 2 (1), 5-21, 2011 | 100 | 2011 |
Students’ vocational choices and voluntary action: A 12-nation study D Haski-Leventhal, RA Cnaan, F Handy, JL Brudney, K Holmes, L Hustinx, ... VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 19 …, 2008 | 87 | 2008 |
Civic involvement and modernization H Lorentzen, L Hustinx Journal of civil society 3 (2), 101-118, 2007 | 83 | 2007 |
What money cannot buy: The distinctive and multidimensional impact of volunteers D Haski-Leventhal, L Hustinx, F Handy Journal of Community Practice 19 (2), 138-158, 2011 | 82 | 2011 |
Opening up the “black box” of “volunteering”: On hybridization and purification in volunteering research and promotion IY Shachar, J von Essen, L Hustinx Administrative Theory & Praxis 41 (3), 245-265, 2019 | 80 | 2019 |
Volunteering L Hustinx, F Handy, RA Cnaan Third sector research, 73-89, 2010 | 78 | 2010 |
Bifurcated commitment, priorities, and social contagion: The dynamics and correlates of volunteering within a university student population L Hustinx, T Vanhove, A Declercq, K Hermans, F Lammertyn British Journal of Sociology of Education 26 (4), 523-538, 2005 | 78 | 2005 |