The meaning (s) of trust. A content analysis on the diverse conceptualizations of trust in scholarly research on business relationships S Castaldo, K Premazzi, F Zerbini Journal of business ethics 96, 657-668, 2010 | 397 | 2010 |
CSR initiatives as market signals: A review and research agenda F Zerbini Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1), 1-23, 2017 | 363 | 2017 |
Stay in or get out the Janus? The maintenance of multiplex relationships between buyers and sellers F Zerbini, S Castaldo Industrial Marketing Management 36 (7), 941-954, 2007 | 145 | 2007 |
Marketing of competence: Exploring the resource-based content of value-for-customers through a case study analysis F Zerbini, F Golfetto, M Gibbert Industrial Marketing Management 36 (6), 784-798, 2007 | 108 | 2007 |
The cost of customer satisfaction: a framework for strategic cost management in service industries A Cugini, A Carù, F Zerbini European Accounting Review 16 (3), 499-530, 2007 | 83 | 2007 |
Assessment of destination performance: a strategy map approach M De Carlo, A Cugini, F Zerbini Tourism Review 63 (2), 25-37, 2008 | 60 | 2008 |
What do we mean by “marketing” resources and competencies? A comment on Hooley, Greenley, Cadogan, and Fahey (JBR 2005) M Gibbert, F Golfetto, F Zerbini Journal of Business Research 59 (1), 148-151, 2006 | 49 | 2006 |
When legacy carriers converge with low-cost carriers: Exploring the fusion of European airline business models through a case-based analysis D Jarach, F Zerbini, G Miniero Journal of Air Transport Management 15 (6), 287-293, 2009 | 39 | 2009 |
Exploring how third-party organizations facilitate coopetition management in buyer–seller relationships S Castaldo, G Möllering, M Grosso Coopetition, 2010 | 34 | 2010 |
Network e Governance. Un'analisi del nuovo testo di legge sui servizi pubblici locali D Cristofoli, F Zerbini Azienda pubblica 15 (1/2), 13-40, 2002 | 21 | 2002 |
Release capacity in the vendor selection process F Zerbini, S Borghini Journal of Business Research 68 (2), 405-414, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
Integration of third parties within existing dyads: An exploratory study of category management programs (CMPs) S Castaldo, F Zerbini, M Grosso Industrial Marketing Management 38 (8), 946-959, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |
Mediated category management: How third parties enable the implementation of buyer-seller collaboration M Grosso, G Möllering, F Zerbini Finanza, marketing e produzione: rivista di economia d'impresa dell …, 2009 | 3 | 2009 |
Competence-based value framing for business-to-business customers F Golfetto, F Zerbini, M Gibbert Creating and managing superior customer value 14, 343-377, 2008 | 3 | 2008 |
Strumenti per valutare la strategia di una destinazione turistico-congressuale: il caso Torino Convention Bureau F Zerbini, A Cugini, M De Carlo Finanza, marketing e produzione: rivista di economia d'impresa dell …, 2010 | 2 | 2010 |