The use of pledges to build and sustain commitment in distribution channels E Anderson, B Weitz Journal of marketing research 29 (1), 18-34, 1992 | 6487 | 1992 |
Retail management M Levy, D Grewal McGraw-Hill, 2023 | 5719 | 2023 |
Determinants of continuity in conventional industrial channel dyads E Anderson, B Weitz Marketing science 8 (4), 310-323, 1989 | 4639 | 1989 |
Interactive home shopping: consumer, retailer, and manufacturer incentives to participate in electronic marketplaces J Alba, J Lynch, B Weitz, C Janiszewski, R Lutz, A Sawyer, S Wood Journal of marketing 61 (3), 38-53, 1997 | 4193 | 1997 |
The SOCO scale: A measure of the customer orientation of salespeople R Saxe, BA Weitz Journal of marketing research 19 (3), 343-351, 1982 | 3700 | 1982 |
Learning orientation, working smart, and effective selling H Sujan, BA Weitz, N Kumar Journal of marketing 58 (3), 39-52, 1994 | 1929 | 1994 |
Knowledge, motivation, and adaptive behavior: A framework for improving selling effectiveness BA Weitz, H Sujan, M Sujan Journal of marketing 50 (4), 174-191, 1986 | 1913 | 1986 |
Corporate hypocrisy: Overcoming the threat of inconsistent corporate social responsibility perceptions T Wagner, RJ Lutz, BA Weitz Journal of marketing 73 (6), 77-91, 2009 | 1783 | 2009 |
Adaptive selling: Conceptualization, measurement, and nomological validity RL Spiro, BA Weitz Journal of marketing Research 27 (1), 61-69, 1990 | 1671 | 1990 |
Relationship marketing and distribution channels BA Weitz, SD Jap Journal of the academy of Marketing Science 23, 305-320, 1995 | 1387 | 1995 |
Personal selling and sales management: A relationship marketing perspective BA Weitz, KD Bradford Journal of the academy of marketing science 27, 241-254, 1999 | 1307 | 1999 |
Effectiveness in sales interactions: A contingency framework BA Weitz Journal of Marketing 45 (1), 85-103, 1981 | 1228 | 1981 |
When should a retailer create an exciting store environment? VD Kaltcheva, BA Weitz Journal of marketing 70 (1), 107-118, 2006 | 1144 | 2006 |
Attributions in the board room: Causal reasoning in corporate annual reports JR Bettman, BA Weitz Administrative science quarterly, 165-183, 1983 | 1121 | 1983 |
Forward integration into distribution: an empirical test of transaction cost analysis G John, BA Weitz The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 4 (2), 337-355, 1988 | 1024 | 1988 |
Crafting integrated multichannel retailing strategies J Zhang, PW Farris, JW Irvin, T Kushwaha, TJ Steenburgh, BA Weitz Journal of interactive marketing 24 (2), 168-180, 2010 | 938 | 2010 |
Resource allocation behavior in conventional channels E Anderson, LM Lodish, BA Weitz Journal of marketing Research 24 (1), 85-97, 1987 | 810 | 1987 |
Salesforce compensation: An empirical investigation of factors related to use of salary versus incentive compensation G John, B Weitz Journal of Marketing Research 26 (1), 1-14, 1989 | 616 | 1989 |
Make-or-buy decisions: vertical integration and marketing productivity E Anderson, BA Weitz Sloan Management Review (1986-1998) 27 (3), 3, 1986 | 597 | 1986 |
The changing environment of selling and sales management E Jones, SP Brown, AA Zoltners, BA Weitz Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 25 (2), 105-111, 2005 | 568 | 2005 |