دنبال کردن
Panagiotis Germanakos
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
A mobile agent approach for ubiquitous and personalized eHealth information systems
P Germanakos, C Mourlas, G Samaras
Proceedings of the Workshop on'Personalization for e-Health'of the 10th …, 2005
Capturing essential intrinsic user behaviour values for the design of comprehensive web-based personalized environments
P Germanakos, N Tsianos, Z Lekkas, C Mourlas, G Samaras
Computers in Human Behavior 24 (4), 1434-1451, 2008
Modeling users on the World Wide Web based on cognitive factors, navigation behavior and clustering techniques
M Belk, E Papatheocharous, P Germanakos, G Samaras
Journal of Systems and Software 86 (12), 2995-3012, 2013
Realizing comprehensive user profile as the core element of adaptive and personalized communication environments and systems
P Germanakos, N Tsianos, Z Lekkas, C Mourlas, G Samaras
The Computer Journal 52 (7), 749-770, 2009
Eye-tracking users' behavior in relation to cognitive style within an e-learning environment
N Tsianos, P Germanakos, Z Lekkas, C Mourlas, G Samaras
2009 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2009
The interplay between humans, technology and user authentication: A cognitive processing perspective
M Belk, C Fidas, P Germanakos, G Samaras
Computers in Human Behavior 76, 184-200, 2017
Multi-channel delivery of services–The road from egovernment to mgovernment: Further technological challenges and implications
P Germanakos, G Samaras, E Christodoulou
Proceedings of the first European Conference on Mobile Government (Euro mGov …, 2005
Do human cognitive differences in information processing affect preference and performance of CAPTCHA?
M Belk, C Fidas, P Germanakos, G Samaras
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 84, 1-18, 2015
An experimental assessment of the use of cognitive and affective factors in adaptive educational hypermedia
N Tsianos, Z Lekkas, P Germanakos, C Mourlas, G Samaras
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 2 (3), 249-258, 2009
Human-centred web adaptation and personalization
P Germanakos, M Belk
Human-Computer Interaction Series. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 336, 2016
User-centric profiling on the basis of cognitive and emotional characteristics: An empirical study
N Tsianos, Z Lekkas, P Germanakos, C Mourlas, G Samaras
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems: 5th International …, 2008
A personalization method based on human factors for improving usability of user authentication tasks
M Belk, P Germanakos, C Fidas, G Samaras
International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization …, 2014
Towards implicit user modeling based on artificial intelligence, cognitive styles and web interaction data
E Papatheocharous, M Belk, P Germanakos, G Samaras
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 23 (02), 1440009, 2014
Do cognitive styles of users affect preference and performance related to CAPTCHA challenges?
M Belk, C Fidas, P Germanakos, G Samaras
CHI'12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1487-1492, 2012
On the Development of Smart Adaptive User Interfaces for Mobile e-Business Applications-Towards Enhancing User Experience–Some Lessons Learned
A Holzinger, M Geier, P Germanakos
International Conference on e-Business 2, 205-214, 2012
Cognitive and Emotional Processes in Web-Based Education: Integrating Human Factors and Personalization: integrating Human Factors and Personalization
C Mourlas, N Tsianos, P Germanakos
IGI Global, 2009
New Fundamental Profiling Characteristics for Designing Adaptive Web-based Educational Systems.
P Germanakos, N Tsianos, C Mourlas, G Samaras
CELDA, 10-17, 2005
The role of emotions in the design of personalized educational systems
Z Lekkas, N Tsianos, P Germanakos, C Mourlas, G Samaras
2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2008
A semantic approach of an adaptive and personalized web-based learning content-The case of AdaptiveWeb
P Germanakos, N Tsianos, Z Lekkas, C Mourlas, M Belk, G Samaras
Second International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and …, 2007
Security for diversity: Studying the effects of verbal and imagery processes on user authentication mechanisms
M Belk, C Fidas, P Germanakos, G Samaras
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2013: 14th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2013
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مقاله‌ها 1–20