دنبال کردن
Shankar Mahalingam
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Fire spread in chaparral—‘go or no-go?’
DR Weise, X Zhou, L Sun, S Mahalingam
International Journal of Wildland Fire 14 (1), 99-106, 2005
Deterministic forcing of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence
NP Sullivan, S Mahalingam, RM Kerr
Physics of Fluids 6 (4), 1612-1614, 1994
Modeling of marginal burning state of fire spread in live chaparral shrub fuel bed
X Zhou, S Mahalingam, D Weise
Combustion and Flame 143 (3), 183-198, 2005
Particle size distributions from laboratory-scale biomass fires using fast response instruments
S Hosseini, Q Li, D Cocker, D Weise, A Miller, M Shrivastava, JW Miller, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (16), 8065-8076, 2010
Infrared imagery of crown-fire dynamics during FROSTFIRE
J Coen, S Mahalingam, J Daily
Journal of Applied Meteorology 43 (9), 1241-1259, 2004
Effect of hydrogen addition on criteria and greenhouse gas emissions for a marine diesel engine
H Pan, S Pournazeri, M Princevac, JW Miller, S Mahalingam, MY Khan, ...
International journal of hydrogen energy 39 (21), 11336-11345, 2014
Finite-rate chemistry and transient effects in direct numerical simulations of turbulent nonpremixed flames
S Mahalingam, JH Chen, L Vervisch
Combustion and flame 102 (3), 285-297, 1995
Comparison of burning characteristics of live and dead chaparral fuels
L Sun, X Zhou, S Mahalingam, DR Weise
Combustion and Flame 144 (1-2), 349-359, 2006
Experimental study and large eddy simulation of effect of terrain slope on marginal burning in shrub fuel beds
X Zhou, S Mahalingam, D Weise
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (2), 2547-2555, 2007
Influence of connection geometry and SVC-IVC flow rate ratio on flow structures within the total cavopulmonary connection: a numerical study
Y Khunatorn, S Mahalingam, CG DeGroff, R Shandas
J. Biomech. Eng. 124 (4), 364-377, 2002
Experimental measurements and numerical modeling of marginal burning in live chaparral fuel beds
X Zhou, D Weise, S Mahalingam
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2), 2287-2294, 2005
Axisymmetric stagnation-point flow impinging on a transversely oscillating plate with suction
PD Weidman, S Mahalingam
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 31, 305-318, 1997
Full numerical simulation of coflowing, axisymmetric jet diffusion flames
S Mahalingam, BJ Cantwell, JH Ferziger
Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 2 (5), 720-728, 1990
Physics-Based Modeling of Live Wildland Fuel Ignition Experiments in the FIST Apparatus
C Anand, B Shotorban, S Mahalingam, S McAllister, DR Weise
Combustion Science and Technology 189 (9), 1551-1570, 2017
A numerical investigation of the influence of radiation and moisture content on pyrolysis and ignition of a leaf-like fuel element
BL Yashwanth, B Shotorban, S Mahalingam, CW Lautenberger, ...
Combustion and Flame 163, 301-316, 2016
Numerical modeling of multi-component fuel spray evaporation process
OS Abianeh, CP Chen, S Mahalingam
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 69, 44-53, 2014
Fire spread in chaparral–a comparison of laboratory data and model predictions in burning live fuels
DR Weise, E Koo, X Zhou, S Mahalingam, F Morandini, JH Balbi
International Journal of Wildland Fire 25 (9), 980-994, 2016
An investigation of crown fuel bulk density effects on the dynamics of crown fire initiation in shrublands
W Tachajapong, J Lozano, S Mahalingam, X Zhou, DR Weise
Combustion Science and Technology 180 (4), 593-615, 2008
The role of moisture on combustion of pyrolysis gases in wildland fires
SC Ferguson, A Dahale, B Shotorban, S Mahalingam, DR Weise
Combustion science and technology 185 (3), 435-453, 2013
Evaluation of reduced mechanism for modeling combustion of pyrolysis gas in wildland fire
Combustion Science and Technology 171 (1), 39-70, 2001
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مقاله‌ها 1–20